Prices valid from23rd June 2020 and include VAT.
High Season June 23 – August 31. 2020 |
Adult |
Discount1 |
Baradla Cave - Aggtelek Short Tour (1 hour/1 km) |
11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00 (9:00, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00 in case of 10 persons in a group) |
2600 HUF/ person |
2200 HUF/ person |
Baradla Cave ticket office, Aggtelek +36-48-503-003 |
Baradla Cave - Jósvafő Short Tour (1 hour/1.4 km) |
11:00, 15:00 |
2400 HUF/ person |
1800 HUF/ person |
Baradla Cave ticket office, Jósvafő +36-48-506-009 |
Baradla Cave - Intermediate Vörös-tó (Red Lake) Tour (100 minutes/2.3 km) |
1000, 1200, 1400, 1600
2900 HUF/ person |
2200 HUF/ person |
Baradla Cave ticket office, Vörös-tó +36-48-350-048, +36-48-350-037 |
Other Discounts:
Cave Tours are Free for the following:
- children under 3 years of age; and
- International Show Cave Association (ISCA) card holders.
Various 20% Discounts on Cave Tours
Bearers of the following membership discount cards are eligible for a 20% discount specified cave tours. Please contact us or your organisation for details.
- Discount Package between Aggtelek National Park and Castle Island in Edelény (Coburg-L’Huillier Palace). With the presentation of a used entry ticket for the stunningly newly renovated Castle Island, you are eligible for 20% off any of Aggtelek’s Daily Cave Tours (Baradla Cave Jósvafő Short Tour, Baradla Cave Aggtelek Short Tour, Baradla Cave Red Lake Intermediate Tour, Rákóczi Cave, Imre Vass Cave). Or, present a used ticket stub from one of our daily cave tours and get 20% off entry to the palace. Valid until December 31st of the following year. Discounts may not be combined
- Visitors to the Károlyi Castle in Füzérradvány may present their used ticket once (until December 31 of the following year and receive a 20% discount off any standard, student or family tickets for any of the daily cave tours. The discount may not be combined with any other discount not mentioned above.
- Receive 20% off an adult ticket for the Red Lake Intermediate Baradla Cave Tour at Aggtelek National Park with the Miskolc Pass! However, this discount may not be combined with other discounts such as a stay the Tengerszem Hotel, family tickets and others.
Miscellaneous Other Discounts
Bodrogzug Canoe Tours
Canoe tour guests are eligible for the discounted student priced tickets for daily cave tours. Those wishing to take advantage of this discount must go to the Aggtelek Tourinform office for validation. The office bases its authorisation on a monthly spreadsheet it receives from our Park Rangers listing the details of all boating permits granted. If eligible, you will receive a coupon at the office that can be presented at the cave ticket offices.