• H-3758 Jósvafő, Tengerszem oldal 1.
  • +36 48-503-000
  • info.anp[at]t-online[dot]hu

Bódva Valley Nature Trail (Perkupa)


Distance and Duration: 2 km, 1.5 hours

This is a periodic trail open during the Bódva Bird Migration and Ringing Camp from September 1 – October 26. The trail leads to the camp and starts from behind the Perkupa train station at the first turn-off to the right after the bridge over the Bódva River.

The Bódva Valley in Northern Hungary is an important ecological corridor stretching along an elongated area favourable to bird migration. The trail presents the riverside habitats and the impact of human activity on the landscape, as well as typical flora and fauna species in the area. Every year, a new information board is dedicated to the current Hungarian bird of the year and its interesting habits. 

Further Information:
Manor House Education Centre
Tánscics u. 1, 3758 Jósvafő
Tel: 48/350056
Fax: 48/506-001
Email: anp.oktatas@index.hu 

Brochures for the self-guided tour can be downloaded in various languages here (.pdf):

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