• H-3758 Jósvafő, Tengerszem oldal 1.
  • +36 48-503-000
  • info.anp[at]t-online[dot]hu

Tohonya-Kuriszlán Nature Trail (Jósvafő)


Tohonya-Kuriszlán Nature Trail (Jósvafő)

Follow the yellow blazes.
Route 1: Stations #1-13
Distance: approximately 4 km (2+ miles)
Duration: 2.5 – 3 hours
Route 2: Stations #13-20
Distance: approximately 6 km (3+ miles)
Duration: 3 – 3.5 hours
Routes 1 and 2 Combined: Stations #1-20
Distance 10 km (5+ miles)
Duration: approximately 6 hours
The Tohonya-Kuriszlán Nature Trail shows off Aggtelek National Park’s unique and scenic karst landscape and its inhabitants. We especially recommend this investigative walk to those who specifically desire to better acquaint themselves with the region’s traditional land use methods: livestock farming, arable farming, vineyards and orchards, fruit processing, forestry and the production of charcoal. The trail brings you face-to-face with Hungary’s only only state-owned and managed herd of 130 breeding hucul mares and foals. The entire nature trail consists of 20 stations. However, the route may be broken in two, or travelled as a continuous tour.
Please download these language various language guides to the stations making up the Tohonya-Kuriszlán Nature Trail  (pdf):
English Guide


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