Cave Tours at a Glance
Step out of your usual, rushing life for a moment and explore with us this enchanted underground fairy-tale world! You’ll experience how quiet and peaceful life beneath the surface can be, and your imagination will soar exploring the different cave formations.
A great many types of cave tours are offered to visitors in order to get acquainted with the realm of this underground world: our services range from the “Easy-to-Go” one-hour walking tour, to the most extreme cave tours that require a very good physical (and mental) condition. The one-hour tours are run daily, while the longer and extreme tours may only be taken if you book in advance. Those who would like to experience the unforgettable moments of their weddings among spectacular scenery can decide to organise this special moment of their lives in the caves as well.
Visitors on the Aggtelek Short Tour can experience the unique acoustics and atmosphere of the cave when they reach the "Concert Hall." Moreover, unforgettable live concerts are held every year in this part of the cave. The two-hour Red Lake Tour takes pride in holding two records: this section contains both the largest chamber of the Baradla Cave (the "Giant’s Hall"), as well as the well-hidden biggest stalagmite of the cave (the "Observatory"). Listening to music utilising the naturally stunning acoustics is an elemental and vivid part of these cave tours.
The famous "Orange Cascade" formation of the Vass Imre Cave can be visited after a hike on the surface, while the colourful and wide variety of pea-shaped formations and the crystal-clear lakes of the Rakoczi Cave can be approached by a series of ladders and bridges.
One can feel just like a real speleologist on the special cave tours, but that also means that really good stamina is necessary. For example, the Long Tour leads us from the village of Aggtelek to Josvafo through the Baradla Cave, and consists of an unlit section requiring the use of battery torches. The Special Raddish Branch Tour consists of the Long Tour with an additional section, for which a waterproof outfit is necessary for this active passage.
Those that desire even more adventure and are starved for adrenalin can plunge into the depths of the Beke, Kossuth or Meteor Caves. In the Beke Cave, one will encounter snow-white limestone cascades and varied red and white stalagmite flags. Visitors to the Kossuth Cave can approach the "Lake of Hopeless Siphon" along an exciting rope route. The Meteor Cave Tour, however, is considered to be the most extreme tour: one has to crawl and climb on ladders fitted in shafts passing by cave debris. At the end of the ordeal one can admire the abundant monumental dripstones in the "Hall of Titans" 100 m under the surface.
This year, two additional types of cave tours are being offered to visitors: the Short Tour from Jósvafő has been restarted, and one of the oldest caves in Hungary, the Földvári Aladár Cave can be visited starting from April.