Water Tours (Bodrogzug) in the Tokaj-Bodrogzug Protected Landscape Area
Canoe Trips
The Bodrogzug is the location where the Bodrog and Tisza Rivers meet. This landscape is unique in Hungary for being the only area that still experiences regular flooding. Consequently, many of the area’s natural treasures have been undisturbed, and in 1989 the Tokaj-Bodrogzug Protected Landscape Area won RAMSAR site status for its extensive waterfowl habitats.The Bodrogzug one of the finest canoeing areas in the country. The annual spring floods begin in late April or early May. You must be in possession of a permit to canoe on the river.
Please contact the office below concerning permits, tours, and other information:
Zempléni Tájegység Iroda - Bodrogkeresztúr
Kossuth út 30
Kossuth út 30
3916 Bodrogkeresztúr
Tel: +36 47/570-061 Mobil: +36 30/422 0605;
Email: bodrogzug@gmail.com;
Tel: +36 47/570-061 Mobil: +36 30/422 0605;
Email: bodrogzug@gmail.com;
Permits may be obtained from the following organisations:
Vízisport Turistaház és Kemping
3910 Tokaj, Horgász u. 3.
tel: 47/352-645; fax: 47/553-188
Gábor Tarnai - 20/9716-564
3910 Tokaj, Horgász u. 3.
tel: 47/352-645; fax: 47/553-188
Gábor Tarnai - 20/9716-564
UNIO Alapítvány Vízisport telepe
3910 Tokaj, Bodrogkeresztúri u. 5
tel/fax: 47/352-927, 47/352-927
András Gulyás - 20/9553-604
email: unio@tokajinfo.hu
web: www.tokajvizitelep.hu
3910 Tokaj, Bodrogkeresztúri u. 5
tel/fax: 47/352-927, 47/352-927
András Gulyás - 20/9553-604
email: unio@tokajinfo.hu
web: www.tokajvizitelep.hu
Kékcápák Vízitúrák és Kenukölcsönző
Postal address: 3910 Tokaj, Malom utca 11.
Business Location: 3910 Tokaj, Benedek Pál utca 31.
tel/fax: 47/353-227
Zsolt Nagy - 30/214-3942
email:info@turak.hu; kekcapak@turak.hu
Postal address: 3910 Tokaj, Malom utca 11.
Business Location: 3910 Tokaj, Benedek Pál utca 31.
tel/fax: 47/353-227
Zsolt Nagy - 30/214-3942
email:info@turak.hu; kekcapak@turak.hu
Conditions and payment options are described here (in Hungarian)