• H-3758 Jósvafő, Tengerszem oldal 1.
  • +36 48-503-000
  • info.anp[at]t-online[dot]hu

Principles of Environmental Education at Aggtelek National Park

Principles of Environmental Education at Aggtelek National Park 

“We believe that environmental education can only be truly effective if it is successfully integrated into the complete educational process. Learning about the environment is best done in the actual natural environment, where endless and diverse possibilities exist to educate people to value our common natural resources while solving complex problems."
The Aggtelek National Park Directorate’s fundamental mission is to raise awareness through environmental education activities, not necessarily tourism.
Primary Tasks of the Environmental Education Group:
  • Promoting the social acceptance of the usefulness of nature conservation;
  • Advancing nature conservation;
  • Raising environmental awareness through a framework of nature and cultural history activities; and
  • Introducing the forms and methods of environmental education at the local level.
Planning and Implementation:
  • Each programme is developed to be appropriate and interesting to specific age groups and target audiences.
  • Activities take place outdoors in the natural environment unless the weather is not permitting; in which case, secondary indoor classrooms are available.
  • The holistic approach is employed to introduce participants to their environment as an interdependent system.
  • The central element of the environmental education activities is experience, which is the most effective way to learn and remember what is learned.
  • All instruction is done through interactive and inclusive methods; for example, using arts and crafts.
  • Presentations and workshops (mostly to pre-schoolers, student groups, youth groups, camps, and environmental education schools);
  • Field presentations and guided tours by experts;
  • Development, implementation and maintenance of a nature trail network;
  • Assisting other organisations establish nature trails around Aggtelek National Park;
  • Accredited advanced methodology training for teachers;
  • Field studies for students of secondary and higher educational institutions;
  • Internships for thesis and Ph.D. thesis writers;
  • Professional publications on methodology, creation of nature trails, leading excursions, natural history, and other themes;
  • Natural history and nature protection camps, with activities directed by environmental experts;
  • Environmental education school programmes;
  • Promotion of pre-school and other school environmental education centers;
  • Organisation of multi-round natural history and nature conservation competitions;
  • Annually renewed Cooperation Framework Agreement between Aggtelek National Park and educational institutions concerning environmental education programmes in and outside of school;
  • Development of long-term cooperation between the Park and social organizations, environmental education centers, and civil associations;
  • Official cooperation with the Slovakian Karst National Park
  • Organisation of regional events in association with specific holidays, such as Earth Day and World Water Day;
  • Exhibitions;
  • Open days to promote the activities of Aggtelek National Park, its natural history and natural treasures;
  • Ecotourism; and
  • Organisation of special programmes.
Manor House Environmental Education Centre
Táncsics u. 1
3758 Jósvafő
Tel.: +36-48-350-056, +36-48-350-006
Fax: +36-48-506-001
E-mail: anp.oktatas@index.hu
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