• H-3758 Jósvafő, Tengerszem oldal 1.
  • +36 48-503-000
  • info.anp[at]t-online[dot]hu

Mining History Museum in Rudabánya

Mining History Museum in Rudabánya
The Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Mining History Museum
The exhibition takes visitors through the earliest history of domestic mining to the present practices and situation. The building features one of the largest exhibitions of minerals in the country, as well as a replica of the remains of an ancient Rudapithecus hungaricus ape found nearby. The man-made underground tunnel showroom displays the most common mining methods and safety equipment. A complete miner’s forge has also been constructed here.
Borsod-Abaúj-ZemplénCounty Mining History Museum:
3733 RUDABÁNYA, Petőfi u. 24.
Tel: (+36)-48/353-151
Email: rudmuz@gmail.com
Open Hours:
April 15 – October 15: M-F 8:00-16:00, Sat-Sun 9:00-16:00 
National Holidays: March 15, August 20, and October 23, regular open hours as above.
October 15 - April 15: M-F 8:00-16:00, Sat-Sun advanced booking necessary.
Adults 600 HUF, Students 300 HUF
Other Activities
József Gvadányi Memorial Week (annually in mid-October)
The yearly conference reviews the most recent paleontological excavation results (only if excavations have happened during the year). 
Ruins of Csorbakő Castle (in Szuhogy): Follow the green blazes from Rudabánya for approximately 10 km (6.5 miles). The site itself is not directly accessible. The early 14th century castle later operated as a money counterfeiting workshop in the 16th century.
photo credit and more information: Rudabánya honlapja
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