• H-3758 Jósvafő, Tengerszem oldal 1.
  • +36 48-503-000
  • info.anp[at]t-online[dot]hu



Directions if Travelling by Car
 From Budapest there are several options, depending on how scenic you would like your route:

1.Take the M3 to the M30 following that to Miskolc. The M3 highway is a toll road (stickers can be purchased at any benzine station or on-line). Then follow signs through Edelény–Szendrő—Szalonna-Perkupa. Beyond Perkupa there is a turnoff to the left towards Aggtelek and Jósvavő. Follow this through Szín to Jósvafő. Just past the village of Jósvafő you can choose to bear right towards the Baradla Cave entrance and Tengerszem Hotel, or bear left towards the Red Lake Visitors Centre and Cave entrance and onwards to Aggtelek. If you choose Jósvafő, follow the winding road uphill until it branches – bear right to the parking lot. The ticket office is up the stairs just to the left of the Tengerszem Hotel.
The Red Lake Visitors Centre is half way between Jósvafő and Aggtelek on the left, following the left road branch towards Aggtelek.
If you are heading to the Aggtelek entrance, just follow the left fork all the way to the village of Aggtelek. Head straight through the village centre on the main road, and turn right at the petrol station and sign for the Cseppkő Hotel. Follow this road straight, past the Cseppkő Hotel,  and you will come to a line of shops and a parking lot on the left. The ticket office and cave entrance is accross the street by the cliff face.
2.Take the M3 highway to Füzesabony, through Eger–Szilvásvárad–Kazincbarcika–Szuhakálló–Felsőnyárád–
3. Take the M3 highway to Hatvan–Bátonyterenye–Pétervására–Ózd–Bánréve–Serényfalva–Aggtelek–Jósvafő.
 Nearest Petrol Stations
Szendrő (35km), Kazincbarcika (35km), Putnok (30km), Bódvaszilas (20km)


Bus Schedule Information
Dropdown menus:
from: Jósvafő-Aggtelek vasútállomás
to: Jósvafő, autóbusz-váróterem
Not everything on the schedule is translated:
“munkanap” - workday
“tanszünetben munkanapokon” - workdays during school breaks
“téli időszámítás tartama alatt naponta” – daily during winter
“mindennap” – daily, including weekends
“a hetek utolsó munkanapja kivételével munkanapokon” – the last working day of the week except weekdays
 “szabad és munkaszüneti napokon” – Saturdays, Sundays and holidays“munkaszüneti napokon” - Sundays and holidays
“szabad napokon” – Saturdays
Regional Volan Bus Information:
Budapest. Tel.: +36/(1)-382-0888
Miskolc: Tel.: +36/(46)-340-288
Kazincbarcika: Tel.: +36/(48)-312-940
Edelény: Tel.: +36/(48)-341-420


Important Information
Aggtelek National Park may be reached by train; HOWEVER, this train station is in fact 20km from the actual villages of Jósvafő and Aggtelek. You must transfer to a regional bus from the station. If you choose this option, get off the train one stop after Perkupa at “Jósvafő-Aggtelek.” Regional orange-yellow Borsod-Volan buses stop in front of the train station. You should head in the same direction as the train was going – do not cross the street.
Train Schedule Information
From Budapest, you will need to transfer in Miskolc to the train going in the direction of Tornanadaska. The layover in Miskolc is 30-40 minutes, with the entire journey lasting approximately 3 hours and 45 minutes. Transfer to regional bus from the “Jósvafő-Aggtelek” station. See here.
Taking Intercity trains (IC) requires a seat reservation or supplement, but are about 30 minutes faster than the “gyors” (express) trains.
MAV Information Line:
Interactive on-line route planner and schedule here.
If the English page does not work, “honnan” means departure and “hova” means destination in Hungarian.

MÁVDIREKT: +36 (40)-49-49-49 (local discounted tariff from anywhere in Hungary)

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