Manor House Environmental Educational Centre

The Aggtelek National Park Directorate opened its environmental education centre in 2005. Housed in the former home of a minor aristocrat in the middle of Jósvafő, the centre’s primary purpose is conducting stimulating educational activities aimed at pre-school, primary and secondary school children. The main themes of these activities is to educate the public about environmentally-conscious behaviour, horse breeding, the wonders of Aggtelek National Park, conservation, karst topography in general and rural cultural values.

The courses are delivered through both lectures and field work, utilising the Park’s natural resources to make available a wide range of forest school programs as well as formal education and recreational activities. Of course, outdoor classes often take advantage of pleasant weather.

From October 2009, Aggtelek National Park’s Education Group has operated its own independent webpage in cooperation with the Gömör-Torna Foundation.

For additional information about the Centre’s education and awareness-raising activities, programmes, events, teacher training, and tenders related to nature conservation, please contact:
Manor House Environmental Education Centre
Táncsics u. 1.
3758 Jósvafő
Tel: 48/350-056, 350-006
Fax: 48/506-001
E-mail: anp.oktatas@index.hu