• H-3758 Jósvafő, Tengerszem oldal 1.
  • +36 48-503-000
  • info.anp[at]t-online[dot]hu

Gedeon and Papp Family Manor Houses in Hídvégardó

Hídvégardó Manor Houses

photo source: Hídvégardó webpage
The area contains two fine examples of lesser noble mansions. The Papp Manor is built in the neo-classical style, while the Gedeon Manor is built in the style of Louis XVI. The Gedeon Family crypt is built into the north side of the Roman Catholic Church.
Gain insights into the arts of weaving and basket making in the Craftsman’s House.

Open Hours:

Roman Catholic Church: by appointment. Tel: +36-48/450 -035 (parish), +36-30/515 -59-38.
Gideon and Papp Manors: by appointment. Information and registration: +36-48/450 -001 (mayor's office).
Craftsman House: by appointment. Tel: +36-48/450 -001 (mayor's office).                                 

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