Two former Eszterházy estate granary buildings, one in Slovakia and one in Hungary, were renovated at a cost of 2 million Euro (2.6 million USD) by the Hungarian Aggtelek National Park and the Slovakian ALMA-Centre for the Restoration and Protection of Folk Architecture and Traditions within the framework of the Hungarian –Slovakian Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013 (project HUSK/0801/131/0046). The granaries, built in Torna County at the end of the 18th century, managed to survive the years and have been named monuments designated for ecotourism.
MagtArt’s permanent exhibition features works by such famous nature artists as Alan Sonfist (USA), Ko Seug-hyun (Korea), Liu Po-chun (Taiwan), Pál Péter (Romania), Anke Mellin (Germany), Ahmad Nadalian (Iran), Bukta Imre (Hungary), Erőss István (Hungary), Pokorny Attila http://koby.ro/ (Romania), Szigeti Gábor Csongor (Hungary), Balázs Péter (Hungary), Takács Máté (Hungary), and Tomas Gugyela (Slovakia).
E-mail: magtart@anp.hu
Tourist Information:
Aggtelek 3759
Tel: +36-48-503-000