At the moment only the carriage ride pragrams are available.
Horse Riding for Children | 15 mins | 1250 Ft/pers. |
In the Saddle: |
Cross-Country Horse trekking (for individuals) | 1,5 hrs | 4000 Ft/pers. |
+1 h | 2000 Ft/pers. | |
Crcss-Countiy Horse Trekking (group; of mere than one) | 1,5 hrs | 3500 Ft/pers. |
+1 h | 1500 Ft/pers. | |
One Day Excursion on Horseback | 6 hrs with picnic (min. 2 pers.) | 14000 Ft/pers. |
Shadow ranger | shadowing a Park Ranger cross-country, min. 2 persons | 14000 Ft/pers. |
Horse Riding Lessons, single tickets | on the lead in the paddock | 3000 Ft/h |
2000 Ft/30 mins | ||
Horse Riding Lessons Pass | 7 hrs | 14000 Ft/pass. |
Horse-Drawn Carriage Rides |
Horse and Carriage Ride through Jósvafő | in and around the village of Jósvafő | 6000 Ft/h |
4000 Ft/30 mins | ||
Horse and Carriage Ride through the Gerges -lapa Pas ture to Visit the Hucul Herd | 1 hour ride, guaranteed to see the herd! | 2500 Ft/pers. |
1250 Ft/child* | ||
Horse and Carriage Ride through the Gerges -lapa Pas ture to Visit the Hucul Herd and the Imre Vass Case | 2 hours, guaranteed to see the herd! max 10 persons | 5000 Ft/pers |
2500 Ft/child* | ||
Two-Hcrse Carriage Rental (weddings, village day celebrations, festivals and events) | rates are calculated starting and finishing with the hitching and unhitching of the horses | 7000 Ft/h |
250 Ft/km | ||
Four-Horse Carriage Rental (weddings, village day celebrations, festivals and events) | rates are calculated starting and finishing with the hitching and unhitching of the horses | 10000 Ft/h |
250 Ft/km | ||
Programmes for Groups of Children: (min. 10 pers.) |
Visiting the Herd and Horse Riding | carriage ride an and around the scenic village of Josvafö | 1200 Ft/pers. |
Carriage Ride and Horse Riding | carriage ride in the village, and horse riding at the stud farm and riding centre | 600 Ft/pers. |
Children’s Camps: |
Summer Camp | 6 nights, full board and additional programmes | 50000 Ft/pers. |
Spring or Autumn Camp | 25000 Ft/pers. | |
For more information, and booking:
Kúria Hucul Lovasbázis
H-3758 Jósvafő, Táncsics u. 1.
Tel.: +36 48/350-052