August 01-31. August is the Month of the Rákoczi and Imre Vass Caves
Aggtelek National Park In honour of our 20th anniversary as a World Heritage Site, we are offering 20% off adult tickets on all daily tours through the spectacular Rákoczi and Imre Vass Caves throughout the month of August. In addition, all Baradla Cave tour ticket bearers will receive a free postcard, bookmark or other small gift from our Gift Shop.
Date and Time: August 1-31
Location: Rákoczi and Imre Vass Caves
More Information and Booking: Tourinform, Aggtelek, naturinform.anp@gmail.com
August 01. Hot Summer Night Sunset Tours
Aggtelek National Park Beginning at the vantage point standing above the roof of the Baradla Cave in Aggtelek, the tour winds through the Aggtelek karst at sunset, as the wildlife awakens at dusk.
Date and Time: August 1, 18:00
Location: Aggtelek
Meeting Point: square in front of the Baradla Cave entrance, Tourinform office
Distance and Duration: 4 km, 2 hours
Tickets: 1000 Huf/person, or 700 Huf/person if you come with a group of 10 or more people; 500 Huf/student or senior citizen; 2000 Huf/family
Maximum number of people: 30
Advanced booking required by July 31
More Information and Booking: Tourinform, Aggtelek, naturinform.anp@gmail.com
August 06. Family Day – Visit the Free-Roaming Hucul Horse Herd in its Pasture, Aggtelek National Park
Hike to the Gergés Pasture to visit the national park’s herd of hucul horses.
Date and Time: August 6, 10:00
Location: Jósvafő
Meeting Point: Manor House Environmental Education Centre
Tickets: 500 Huf/family
More Information and Registration: Manor House Environmental Education Centre, anp.oktatas@index.hu
August 08. Hot Summer Night Sunset Tours
Aggtelek National Park Beginning at the vantage point standing above the roof of the Baradla Cave in Aggtelek, the tour winds through the Aggtelek karst at sunset, as the wildlife awakens at dusk.
Date and Time: August 08, 19.00
Location: Aggtelek
Meeting Point: square in front of the Baradla Cave entrance, Tourinform office
Distance and Duration: 4 km, 2 hours
Tickets: 1000 Huf/person, or 700 Huf/person if you come with a group of 10 or more people; 500 Huf/student or senior citizen; 2000 Huf/family
Maximum number of people: 30
Advanced booking required by August 07 respectively.
More Information and Booking: Tourinform, Aggtelek,naturinform.anp@gmail.com
August 08. Elek János Mészáros Opera Concert Winner of the Star is Born National Talent Show in 2012
Elek János Mészáros will perform on the Baradla Cave Concert Hall stage.
Location: Aggtelek, Baradla Cave Entrance
Date and Time: August 8, 2015. 1800 Tickets: 3500 Ft/person
More Information: Tourinform - Aggtelek +36/48 503 000, naturinform.anp@gmail.com
August 13. Family Day – The Microscopic Water World
Short presentation about microscopic invertabrates inhabiting the local streams, followed by field work taking water samples and examining them under microscopes.
Date and Time: August 13, 10:00
Location: Jósvafő
Meeting Point: Manor House Environmental Education Centre
Tickets: 500 Huf/family
More Information and Registration: Manor House Environmental Education Centre, anp.oktatas@index.hu
August 14. Revering Nature Tour, Aggtelek National Park
Experiencing the quiet of nature can also calm our souls. The guided tour ends with a visit to the old Calvinist church.
Date and Time: August 14, 18:00
Location: Jósvafő
Meeting Point: in front of the Baradla Cave entrance in Jósvafő
Distance and Duration: 2 km, 2 hours
Tickets: 1000 Huf/person, or 700 Huf/person if you come with a group of 10 or more people; 500 Huf/student or senior citizen; 2000 Huf/family
Maximum number of people: 30
Advanced booking is required by August 13th.
Tours will only depart if a minimum of 5 people or 5 full-price tickets are sold.
More Information and Booking: Tourinform, Aggtelek, naturinform.anp@gmail.com
August 14. Mat the Goblin Investigates
Date and Time: August 14, 18.00
Play puppets walk in the footsteps of the lost Salamander Princess. Recommended for families with children between the ages of 5-12.
Location: Aggtelek, square in front of the Cave entrance
Meeting Point: Tourinform,.Aggtelek
Distance and Duration: 500 m, 1 hour
Tickets: 1000 Huf/person, or 700 Huf/person if you come with a group of 10 or more people; 500 Huf/student or senior citizen; 2000 Huf/family
Maximum number of people: 30
Advanced booking is required by August 13th.
Tours will only depart if a minimum of 5 people or 5 full-price tickets are sold.
More Information and Booking: Tourinform, Aggtelek, naturinform.anp@gmail.com
August 15. Nature’s Pharmacy Walking
Tour Date and Time: August 15, 9:00
Recognising and learning about wild medicinal plants during a short walk around Red Lake.
Location: around Red Lake between Aggtelek and Jósvafő
Meeting Point: Vörös-tó (Red Lake) Visitor’s Centre (between Aggtelek and Jósvafő)
Distance and Duration: 1.5 km, 2 hours
Maximum number of people: 30
Places must be reserved by August 14th.
Tours will only depart if a minimum of 5 people or 5 full-price tickets are sold.
Tickets: 1000 Huf/person, or 700 Huf/person if you come with a group of 10 or more people; 500 Huf/student or senior citizen; 2000 Huf/family
Information: Tourinform-Aggtelek, naturinform.anp@gmail.com
August 14 - October 27. XXX. Bódva Valley Bird Migration Research and Nature Protection Camp, Aggtelek National Park
Date and Time: August 14 - October 27
Tickets: August 14-31: 500 HUF/day Sept. 01- Oct. 27: Free
Location: bank of the Bódva River, Szalonna
No preliminary nature conservation or ornithological knowledge is required to participate! The basic objective of the camp is to monitor the developments in migrating bird populations from both the conservation and scientific perspectives. We are looking for volunteers to work alongside the professionals at the camp to assist with catching, examining and ringing the birds. Previous technical expertise is not required - all applicants will receive adequate training on the spot. Students, adults, and entire families may apply. Both groups and individual candidates are welcome. Besides the bird ringing routine there is ample opportunity to attend national park excursions, tours and lectures, as well as a number of local programmes and sightseeing.
Information and Registration: Roland Farkas, Tel: (48) 506-000, (30) 63-75-149
Email: farkasro@yahoo.com
August 22. Tour Through the Heart of the Aggtelek Karst, Aggtelek National Park
Explore a few of the karst countryside’s most memorable formations, such as sinkholes and springs; as well as the ruins of Szádvár Castle and the abandoned village of Derenk.
Date and Time: August 22, 8.00
Route: Jósvafő-Szögliget
Meeting Point: Manor House Environmental Education Centre, Jósvafő
Distance and Duration: 16 km, 5 hours
Tickets: 1500 Huf/person, or 1200 Huf/person if you come with a group of 10 or more people; 1000 Huf/student or senior citizen; 2500 Huf/family
Maximum number of people: 30
More Information and Booking: Tourinform, Aggtelek
Places must be reserved by August 19.
Tours will only depart if a minimum of 10 people or 10 full-price tickets are sold.
Information: Tourinform - Aggtelek, naturinfomr.anp@gmail.com
August 20. 20th Anniversary of Aggtelek National Park’s World Heritage Site Status
20% off adult ticket prices on all daily cave tours
Date and Time: August 20
August 21-23. VII. Annual Jósvafő International Hucul Horse Races, IV. Annual International Farrier Competition and Jósvafő Village Day Celebration
Date and Time: August 21-23
Location: Jósvafő
Meeting Point: Race Track
Tickets: Free
More Information and Booking: Tourinform, Aggtelek, naturinform.anp@gmail.com
The small, picturesque mountain village of Jósvafő is playing host to the 7th Annual Hucul Horse Festival August 21-23, 2015. The festival takes place in the heart of the Aggtelek karst, and in 2015, is under the patronage of Minister of Agriculture Sándor Fazekas. The annual races feature one of the largest gatherings of the local hucul breed of horset.
The event is unique in that the hucul horses take part not only in traditional obstacle course (Hucul Path), show jumping and carriage driving competitions, but a farrier contest will also be held and scored by a renowned eam of judges. The farrier competitions will be held in parallel with the horse races, including both events for both amateurs and professionals. These events include horse shoeing, forging horseshoes and the ―Eagle Eye‖ contest, creative forging, and the exciting Group Wine Uncorking Contest (Racing against the clock and each other, competitors must forge appropriate tools and open the bottle without breaking it). Evening concerts and other activities will be held celebrating Jósvafő’s Village Day starting the evening of the 21st. Full programme will be available here soon.
Accommodation Options: http://regi.anp.hu/hu/menu/site/show/160/szallashelyek
August 29. Hot Summer Night Sunset Tours
Aggtelek National Park Beginning at the vantage point standing above the roof of the Baradla Cave in Aggtelek, the tour winds through the Aggtelek karst at sunset, as the wildlife awakens at dusk.
Date and Time: August 29, 19.00
Location: Aggtelek
Meeting Point: square in front of the Baradla Cave entrance, Tourinform office
Distance and Duration: 4 km, 2 hours
Tickets: 1000 Huf/person, or 700 Huf/person if you come with a group of 10 or more people; 500 Huf/student or senior citizen; 2000 Huf/family
Maximum number of people: 30
Advanced booking required by August 28 respectively.
More Information and Booking: Tourinform, Aggtelek, naturinform.anp@gmail.com
August 29. The Mysterious Kelemér, Aggtelek National Park
The peat bogs of Kelemér, the ruins of an earthwork fort, the environment and legends of the area.
Date and Time: August 29, 9:00
Location: Kelemér
Meeting Point: Moss House, Kelemér Distance and Duration: 6 km, 3 hours
Tickets: 1000 Huf/person, or 700 Huf/person if you come with a group of 10 or more people; 500 Huf/student or senior citizen; 2000 Huf/family
Maximum number of people: 30
Advanced booking required by August 29th.
Tours will only depart if a minimum of 5 people or 5 full-price tickets are sold.
More Information and Booking: Tourinform, Aggtelek, naturinform.anp@gmail.com