• H-3758 Jósvafő, Tengerszem oldal 1.
  • +36 48-503-000
  • info.anp[at]t-online[dot]hu

Jósvafő Village Walking Tours

Jósvafő Village Walking Tours

The following tours are available with advanced booking:
1. Village Museum (with local guide)


Jósvafő’s Village Museum won “Museum of the Year” in 2007!

Ticket Prices: 500 Ft/adult, 300 Ft/students and retired persons Temporarily unavailable due to technical reasons

2. Guided Cultural History Walk
This 500 m walk (50 m change in elevation) meanders around the village for approximately 1 hour.
Route: Calvinist church – old town square – local museum.
Ticket prices: 800 Ft/adult, 550 Ft/students and retired persons
Departure: from the old town square in front of the local museum (Ófalui-főtérről, tájház előtti tér)

3. Short Guided Old Village Walk
The 1.5 km walk (100 m change in elevation) lasts approximately 2 hours.
Route: bell tower and cemetery with carved wooden grave markers – Jewish cemetery – Calvinist cemetery (observation point with view) – Calvinist Church – Hussite House   – Manor House Environmental Education and Hucul Horse Riding Centre – Jósvafő Environmental Education School – old village square – local museum.


Ticket Prices: 1000 Ft/adult, 750 Ft/students and retired persons
Departure: from the old town square in front of the local museum (Ófalui-főtérről, tájház előtti tér)

4. Long Guided Old Village Walk


The 2.5 km long (100 m change in elevation) tour lasts approximately 3 hours.
Route: Baradla Cave entrance (Jósvafő) by the Tengerszem Hotel and Restaurant – Baradla Lower Caves and Jósva Spring – Tengerszem Lake – mill sluices –  Nyitott Szín* – bell tower and cemetery with carved wooden grave markers –Jewish cemetery – Calvinist cemetery (observation point with view) – Calvinist Church – Hussite House – Manor House Environmental Education and Hucul Horse Riding Centre – Jósvafő Environmental Education School – old village square – local museum.
Ticket Prices: 1200 Ft/adult, 850 Ft/students and retired persons
Departure: Baradla Cave entrance (Jósvafő)

The ticket price includes the fee for the tour guide, necessary entrance fees and all other incidental expenses.
If you wish to expand your above-ground tour options, please also explore the local cuisine, horse drawn carriage (or sleigh) rides, environmental education, ethnographic and art programmes.
For more information and advanced booking:
Mr. Béla Berecz
Tel: +36-30-331-1722
E-mail: bb.josvafo@gmail.com

*a wooden bungalow that is constructed so that it's roof and walls open up and create a comfortable and scenic space for various activities, such as folk arts, tasting local delicacies and concerts


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