The 4th Jósvafő Hucul Horse Riding Days
Hucul Path Competition - International Farrier Competition
The annual Josvafo Hucul Horse Riding Days took place in the open-air riding-hall of Jósvafő on 18-19th August 2012, for the fourth time.
This year’s programme was unconventional as simultaneously to the Hucul Path Competition another program, the International Farrier Competition was held: farriers from the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia and Hungary measured their knowledge in craftsmanship both in student and professional categories. Visitors experienced the ancient strength and energies settled in the trade of farriers, the atmosphere was cheery and hilarious, competitors went to the hole hog as if their own life would depend on every single stroke, therefore attracting also those visitors that were not really interested in this profession before. The strict and world-wide acknowledged judges from England and France guaranteed fairness and justice at the competition and added a lot to the festive mood with their humorous and adventurous personalities, as well. Hopefully, the following years will see and host the farriers in Jósvafő, as well.
The Hucul Horse Days started on Friday with the breeding inspection organised by the Association of Pony- and Small Horse Breeders - the most attractive mare and stallion were prized.
On Saturday the most enthusiastic riders, the children competed firstly in the Hucul Path, followed by the adult competitors, riders of the Aggtelek National Park Directorate won both categories. In order to attract the older ones, the senior category was held in the afternoon, closing the day with the popular Polo-ride.
Sunday's programme began with the sport competition with time-failure scoring among the 20 starters bringing glory to a Hungarian rider. No doubt, the riders from Hawłowice were the happiest with the results of the horse jumping and the carriage driving competitions as winning in both events. The beloved Polish riders from Hawłowice and Gładysów met the competitions with success. Magistrates of our government represented the competitions and presented the competitors with never seen amounts of offerings from sponsors therefore levelling up the standards of competition.