• H-3758 Jósvafő, Tengerszem oldal 1.
  • +36 48-503-000
  • info.anp[at]t-online[dot]hu

October 25, 16:30 Tengerszem Salon – Edelény: Castle and Wine


October 25, 16:30 Tengerszem Salon – Edelény: Castle and Wine

 edeleny palace

Lecture by Judit Bay, director of facilities for Edelény “Castle Island.” Following the lecture, Tamás Virág, president of the Edelény Hills Community Association, will present the Edelény-Császta Vineyards and host a wine tasting. A kid’s corner will be available for children during the event.
Location: Jósvafő, Tengerszem Hotel
Time: 16:30
Tickets: 200 Ft/person 500 Ft/family (the price includes tea and cookies)
Information: Tourinform-Aggtelek, tel: 48/503-000, aggtelek@tourinform.hu, regi.anp.hu
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