Wolves Sighted in the Zemplén Nature Reserve As Well
greenfo/MTI : October 14, 2014 9:33am
Északerdő Zrt., the company managing the state forests, has reported a stable wolf presence in the Zemplén Nature Reserve. Recently, staff have repeatedly reported signs of wolves in the inner Zemplén area. The large predators themselves have been observed several times in and around Telkibánya, Gönc and Háromhuta, as well as leaving fresh footprints and the remains of prey behind, said company president Ador Zay.
Forestry experts also explained how the wolf has had a visible effect on the behaviour of their potential prey, especially the red deer and mouflon. Rutting this season has been a silent affair, as the deer attempt to avoid attracting the attention of these predators. The mouflon’s primary defensive response has been to huddle together in huddled flocks, but they also left the area at this time.
Wolves have been present on Északerdő Zrt. managed lands in the Aggtelek Karst and Szín-Szelcepuszta Hunting Ground for decades, and have appeared in the Bükk Hills over recent years.
Wolves are not the only large predators in the Zemplén. Lynx have also been caught on hidden camera, said the expert.
source: greenfo.hu