Asklepios-Med requests the pleasure of your company at the upcoming event of the Concert-series of Doctor-musicians!

Saturday, September 7, 2013 at six o’clock in the
At the sub-terranean concert hall of the Baradla stalactite cave in Aggtelek
(H-3759 Aggtelek, Baradla oldal 1, Hungary)
Welcome address and opening by dr. András Palotás, medical doctor, scientist, painter founding director of Asklepios-Med.
Please see the programme here.
Tourinform Office
Tourinform Office
Aggtelek, Baradla oldal 3.
Phone: +36 48/503-000
E-mail: aggtelek@tourinform.hu
Phone: +36 48/503-000
E-mail: aggtelek@tourinform.hu