• H-3758 Jósvafő, Tengerszem oldal 1.
  • +36 48-503-000
  • info.anp[at]t-online[dot]hu

October 4: World Animal Day: A Celebratory Mass Will be Held at the Shrine of St. Francis

October 4: World Animal Day: A Celebratory Mass Will be Held at the Shrine of St. Francis
Aggtelek National Park is organising this exceptional event in honour of World Animal Day. The Shrine of St. Francis is located on the main road leading between the villages of Aggtelek and Jósvafő. This is Hungary’s only protected shrine to St. Francis, and was consecrated by the Hungarian Catholic Church’s Vicar of Eger. World Animal Day was started in 1931 at a convention of ecologists in Florence as a way of highlighting the plight of endangered species. October 4 was chosen as World Animal Day as it is the Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals. Since then, World Animal Day has become a day for remembering and paying tribute to all animals and the people who love and respect them. It's celebrated in different ways in every country, with no regard to nationality, religion, faith or political ideology.
Location: Shrine of St. Francis, Aggtelek
Time: 10:00
More information: Tourinform-Aggtelek, Tel: 48 / 503-000, aggtelek@tourinform.hu,  regi.anp.hu
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