• H-3758 Jósvafő, Tengerszem oldal 1.
  • +36 48-503-000
  • info.anp[at]t-online[dot]hu

Slovak Karst – Aggtelek Karst Bicycle Tour

Slovak Karst – Aggtelek Karst Bicycle Tour

The Slovak Karst Cycling Club (Gömörhorka) together with Aggtelek National Park is hosting their third annual cross-border bicycle tour.

Date and Time: July 29, 9:30

Meeting Point:

Distance and Duration: 30 km, 50% incline

Route: Aggtelek, Baradla fogadótérsége - Kecső - Borzova - Szilice - Gombaszög - Pelsőc - Gömörhorka.

Registration: 5 Euro or 1500 HUF, includes refreshments at the tour mid-point at the Szalamandra House and at the end in Gömörhorka at their village day celebration. Registration is required by July 25th.

Bike Transport: Aggtelek National Park can transport you and your bicycle to Gömörhorka and back to Aggtelek at the end for 500 HUF/person with bike/direction

More Information and Registration: Tourinform-Aggtelek, Tel: 06/48-503-000,  naturinform.anp@gmail.com