• H-3758 Jósvafő, Tengerszem oldal 1.
  • +36 48-503-000
  • info.anp[at]t-online[dot]hu

World Meteorology Day, Aggtelek National Park - “Water and Weather”

World Meteorology Day, Aggtelek National Park -

“Water and Weather”

(environmental education programme for schools)

Weather and water issues take centre stage on the first day of spring. Lectures and arts and crafts.

Since 1961, World Meteorological Day has commemorated the coming into force on 23 March 1950 of the convention establishing the World Meteorological Organization and the essential contribution that National Meteorological and Hydrological Services make to the safety and well-being of society. Each year, the celebrations focus on a theme of topical interest.

Understanding Clouds is the international theme of World Meteorological Day 2017, highlighting the enormous importance of clouds in our daily lives.  Clouds are central to weather observations and forecasts. Clouds are one of the key uncertainties in the study of climate change:  we need to better understand both of how clouds affect the climate and how a changing climate will affect clouds. Clouds play a critical role in moving water around the world and shaping the global distribution of water resources. World Meteorological Day marks the launch of a new edition of the International Cloud Atlas after the most thorough and far-reaching revision in its long and distinguished history. The new WMO Atlas is a treasure trove of hundreds of images of clouds, including a few newly classified cloud types. It also features other meteorological phenomena such as rainbows, halos, snow devils and hailstones.   For the first time ever, the Atlas has been produced in a digital format and is accessible via both computers and mobile devices.


Date and Time: March 20, 9:00

Location: Jósvafő

Meeting Point: Manor House Environmental Education Centre, Jósvafő

Tickets: Free

Advanced booking is required by March 16

More Information and Booking: Manor House Environmental Education Centre

Email: anp.oktatas@index.hu http://www.kuriaoktatokozpont.hu/