Handicrafts Afternoon at the Manor, August 21 event
The Treasure Hunt Trail was voted the best nature trail in Hungary in 2016. The trail will soon close for the season. This weekend, 50% off the regular ticket price!
Discovering the macro and micro organisms. Use of microscopes.
Making and using felt.
Beginning at the vantage point standing above the roof of the Baradla Cave in Aggtelek, the tour winds through the Aggtelek karst at sunset, as the wildlife awakens at dusk.
A family visit to the hucul horse Gergés Pasture.
Painting with natural materials.
The basic objective of the camp is to monitor the developments in migrating bird populations from both the conservation and scientific perspectives. We are looking for volunteers to work alongside the professionals at the camp to assist with catching, examining and ringing the birds.
Await the gorgeous summer sunrise at the Devil’s Plough, the roof of the Baradla Cave.
A day of handicrafts and slide presentations.
Creating batik textile designs.
A Szlovák-karszt Kerékpárklub (Gömörhorka) és az Aggteleki Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság közös szervezése.
Fürkész (Ichneumon Wasp Wasp) Nature Trail tour and craft activities
- hiking;
- nature and environment professionals;
- sports competitions;
- medieval games;
- handicraft professionals;
- excursions by bus; and
- team building exercises, etc.
Beginning at the vantage point standing above the roof of the Baradla Cave in Aggtelek, the tour winds through the Aggtelek karst at sunset, as the wildlife awakens at dusk.