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Wolves in Hungary, a Presentation by Ádám Szabó


As reported earlier, several of Aggtelek National Park’s experts have recently appeared on Channel 5’s Mindenki Akadémiája; including Péter Gruber on cave research, and Sándor Boldogh on bats. The programme highlights the latest scientific research. The following video (in Hungarian) features Ádám Szabó,  ANPI's zoological specialist on wolves.

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MagtArt Arts Granary News

Two former Eszterházy estate granary buildings, one in Slovakia and one in Hungary, were renovated at a cost of 2 million Euro (2.6 million USD) by the Hungarian Aggtelek National Park and the Slovakian ALMA-Centre for the Restoration and Protection of Folk Architecture and Traditions


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A védelmi intézkedések következő üteméről szóló 207/2020. (V. 15.) Korm. rendelet alapján újabb könnyítések léptek életbe.