• H-3758 Jósvafő, Tengerszem oldal 1.
  • +36 48-503-000
  • info.anp[at]t-online[dot]hu

Garan Guesthouse

Garan Guesthouse
Petőfi u. 41
3758 Jósvafő

Open: January 1 – December 31
Tel: +36-30-389-8045
Email: garan@citromail.hu

SZÉP Card accepted!

Category: holiday home + hostel
Capacity: 1 x 2-bed room(with shower); 1 x 5-bed room (with shower); 1 x 5-bed room, 2 x 4-bed room, 1 x 10-bed room and 1 x 3-bed room (communal bathroom). The 7-room house has a total capacity for 33 persons, part of which is in a hostel.

Jósvafő is the site of the World Heritage protected Baradla Cave. The guesthouse is situated in the centre of the village, surrounded by forest, hills and streams. The 4 higher category rooms are equipped with gas heating and colour TVs. Parking, grilling and barbequing are possible in the backyard. A common kitchen may be used by all guests, or meals can be taken at the restaurant nextdoor.

Prices (including bedlinen):
Rooms with showers (2): 2500 HUF/person/night
Rooms with communal bathroom: 2000 HUF/person/night
Hostel: 1500 HUF/person/night; with sleeping bag: 1300 HUF/person/night
Camping in the yard.

Heating: 4 rooms with gas convector, 3 rooms with wood burning iron stoves
Bathrooms: en suite/communal. Communal bathroom with shower and bathtub.
Meals provided: no
Self-catering: yes, fully equipped kitchen
Grilling and barbequing are possible in the backyard.
Pets welcome, none are kept on the premises.
Parking: in the yard
Programmes may be organised upon request.

Mr. Gábor Garan
Petőfi út 41
3758 Jósvafő
Tel: +36-30-389-8045

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