August 22. Tour Through the Heart of the Aggtelek Karst, Aggtelek National Park
Explore a few of the karst countryside’s most memorable formations, such as sinkholes and springs; as well as the ruins of Szádvár Castle and the abandoned village of Derenk.
Date and Time: August 22, 8.00
Route: Jósvafő-Szögliget
Meeting Point: Manor House Environmental Education Centre, Jósvafő
Distance and Duration: 16 km, 5 hours
Tickets: 1500 Huf/person, or 1200 Huf/person if you come with a group of 10 or more people; 1000 Huf/student or senior citizen; 2500 Huf/family
Maximum number of people: 30
More Information and Booking: Tourinform, Aggtelek
Places must be reserved by August 19.
Tours will only depart if a minimum of 10 people or 10 full-price tickets are sold.
Information: Tourinform - Aggtelek, naturinfomr.anp@gmail.com
August 20. 20th Anniversary of Aggtelek National Park’s World Heritage Site Status
20% off adult ticket prices on all daily cave tours
Date and Time: August 20
August 21-23. VII. Annual Jósvafő International Hucul Horse Races, IV. Annual International Farrier Competition and Jósvafő Village Day Celebration
Date and Time: August 21-23
Location: Jósvafő
Meeting Point: Race Track
Tickets: Free
More Information and Booking: Tourinform, Aggtelek, naturinform.anp@gmail.com
The small, picturesque mountain village of Jósvafő is playing host to the 7th Annual Hucul Horse Festival August 21-23, 2015. The festival takes place in the heart of the Aggtelek karst, and in 2015, is under the patronage of Minister of Agriculture Sándor Fazekas. The annual races feature one of the largest gatherings of the local hucul breed of horset.
The event is unique in that the hucul horses take part not only in traditional obstacle course (Hucul Path), show jumping and carriage driving competitions, but a farrier contest will also be held and scored by a renowned eam of judges. The farrier competitions will be held in parallel with the horse races, including both events for both amateurs and professionals. These events include horse shoeing, forging horseshoes and the ―Eagle Eye‖ contest, creative forging, and the exciting Group Wine Uncorking Contest (Racing against the clock and each other, competitors must forge appropriate tools and open the bottle without breaking it). Evening concerts and other activities will be held celebrating Jósvafő’s Village Day starting the evening of the 21st. Full programme will be available here soon.
Accommodation Options: http://regi.anp.hu/hu/menu/site/show/160/szallashelyek