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Mihály Hornyák 1969-2017


Mihály Hornyák

We are sad to report that our colleague Mihály Hornyák died on December 8, 2017. Mihály began working at Aggtelek National Park in 1998 as an agricultural machine operator within the Land Management Department, and remained there until his death. He performed his duties conscientiously, and with great devotion, skill and loyalty.

He considered his workplace his second home. After finishing his job, he worked his own family farm. Mihály’s love of nature, the land and his enthusiasm for agricultural machines shaped him into an expert over the decades.

His spare free time was devoted to his other hobby, hunting. In 2009 he enrolled and successfully graduated from the Diana Hunting Adult Training Foundation Vocational School and College in Csongrád.

His humble, silent but always smiling, cheerful and open personality was welcomed by everyone.

He was aware of his heart disease and he was trying to be careful of his health while living a thoughtful life.

His death with tragically sudden, and is a serious loss for both the family and the National Park community.


Rest in Peace.

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