The VII. Annual Jósvafő International Hucul Horse Races and IV. Annual International Farrier Competition held on August 21-23 in Jósvafő was hosted by Aggtelek National Park Director Balázs Veress, Hungarian Farrier Association President Zsolt Ormándi, and Jósvafő Mayor Gábor Jóna. The event not only represents the biggest annual test of the hucul horses’ abilities and the riders’ skills, but also celebrates the herd’s establishment at Aggtelek National Park almost 30 years ago. The hucul herd and gene bank presently consists of over 200 free-roaming horses.
Photo gallery here.
The IV. International Farrier Competition included farriers from England, France, Poland, Austria and Hungary. Friday’s demonstration of the “French hind” was followed by 2 days of intense competition between 13 smiths competing for points in the speed forging, eagle-eye, surprise, shoeing, and other categories. The traditional bottle opening competition was also held, won this year by the young French team, and by the 3-time winner from Szekelyföld during the rematch. Wine was provided by the Németh János Vineyard in Szekszard.
Results (Farrier Competition)
The overall competition was won by 1. Mathieu Ludovic (FR) 2. William Hampson (UK) 3. Norbert Pródán (HU) |
Florentin 1. Mathieu Ludovic (FR) 2. George Rogerson (UK) 3. Norbert Pródán (HU) |
Full Rolling Over Aluminium Shoe 1. Mathieu Ludovic (FR) 2. Norbert Pródán (HU) 3. Adam Kosakowski (PL) |
Maselotte Straight Bar 1. Mathieu Ludovic (FR) 2. William Hampson (UK) 3. Mateusz Szczęsny (PL) |
Befordult sarokfalú, bokázó with front Maselotte shoe 1. Norbert Pródán (HU) 2. Mathieu Ludovic (FR) 3. William Hampson (UK) |
Thanks to international Judges Jerome Champion and Fabien Eymeric. Photo gallery here.
Results (rider-horse)
Hucul Path - Children: 1. Boglárka Marosi – Goral Süni 2. Péter Kovács – Ousor Csóka 3. Eszter Palcsó– Goral Süni |
Young Horse: 1. Kincső Vajda– Wazna 2. Veronika Hajcser – Pietrosu Szamóca 3. Emília Bozik – Pietrosu Picúr |
Beginner Rider: 1. Ádám Laub – Ousar Csóka 2. Rebeka Gyulasi– Prislop Szalonka 3. Fanni Bokor– Pietrosu |
Stea Senior: 1. József Vörös – Pietrosu Stea 2. Katalin Vörösné Horváth – Ousor Csóka 3. Imre Mihalik– Goral Süni |
Hucul Path – Open/Youth: 1. Kincső Vajda – Prislop Zefír 2. Gergő Vörös– Ousor Judit 3. Eszter Barna – Goral Ujgúr |
Hucul Path – Sport: 1. Lukasz Pupczyk – Judym 2. Agnieszka Woznica – Odessa W 3. Piotr Telyczka - Bojko |
Hucul Path – Open/Adult: 1. Veronika Huda – Beluszka 2. Agnieszka Woznica – Odessa W 3. Barbara Tóth – Pietrosu Parázs |
Hucul Path – Open/Youth: 1. Kincső Vajda – Goral Suta 2. Agnieszka Woznica - Ousor Csóka 3. Eszter Barna– Pietrosu Pehely |
Hucul Path – Sport: 1. Lukasz Pupczyk – Judym 2. Kata Noémi Felsőkükky– Goral Suta 3. Agnieszka Woznica – Ogna-W |
Showjumping - Child: 1. Julia Stromeyer – Ousor Csóka 2. Marion Wobol – Judym
Combined Carriage Obstacle Course: 1. Gábor Jóna / Boros Gergő 2. Bartlomiej Woznica / Agnieszka Woznica 3. Béla Szarka / Szarka Áron |