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  • +36 48-503-000
  • info.anp[at]t-online[dot]hu

Report: IX. Annual Jósvafő International Hucul Horse Races and VI. Annual International Farrier Competition


Saturday was blessed with gorgeous summer weather, and the archers held spectacular shows in sparkling sunshine for their grateful audience. Several categories of Hucul path competitions were held under the same conditions. The Hucul path is a 15 year old obstacle course specifically designed by the University of Krakow to provide a credible measurement of the strength and reliability of the Hucul horse breed. A demonstration polo match was also held, naturally on Hucul horses.

On Sunday, the celestial gods were not so merciful. The predicted cold front and considerable rain waterlogged and thoroughly overturned the programme. The combined marathon was cancelled because of the downpour, but the individual events, albeit on a shortened track were successfully held.. Among the latter, the new Ride & Run event was a novelty because the Hucul path obstacles had to be negotiated not only on horseback but also on foot.

The farriers under the tent were not affected by the adverse weather conditions. On Saturday they forged the surprise horseshoe, speed forging, horseshoe forging from a drawing, and of course the eagerly awaited wine bottle opening event.

On Sunday, the farriers competed in the Eagle Eye event, in which 2-member teams were required to make horseshoes with one limited to taking the measurements and giving instructions while the other worked the forge. The twist was that teams were deliberately formed of mixed nationalities, making it difficult to fulfil the task with a language disadvantage. After the official competition, people from the crowd could also try their hand at blacksmithing.

The programme was closed by the herding of the Aggtelek National Park’s Hucul colts through the race track to its winter pasture.


Horse Races
(rider - horse)

Farrier Events
(farrier - points)

Hucul Path Children (10 years and younger)

  1. Sebők Dömös Sára - Gurgul Zala
  2. Dombi Adél - Polan Haver
  3. Bráz Zoé - Pietrosu Picúr

Surprise Horseshoe (Beginners)

  1. Lea Mathieu - 62
  2. Maria Fura - 53,5
  3. Dudás Ferenc - 51

Hucul Path Children (ages 10-14)

  1. Pál Zsófia - Pietrosu Stea
  2. Romhány-Pető Zsófia - Hroby Ledér
  3. Fischer Petra - Prislop Szamóca

Surprise Horseshoe (Open)

  1. Mathieu Delcroix - 76,5
  2. Francois Canu - 72,5
  3. Baptiste Delille - 57,5

Hucul Path (Beginners)

  1. Laub Lilla - Pietrosu Stea
  2. Marosi Boglárka - Goral Süni
  3. Antal Médea - Prislop Szalonka

Horseshoe from Drawing (Beginners)

  1. Lea Mathieu - 73,5
  2. Marjan Štampek - 63
  3. Maria Fura - 58

Hucul Path (Seniors)

  1. Harcz Gábor - Pietrosu Stea
  2. Sebők Attila - Gurgul Zala
  3. Harcz Gábor - Pietrosu Juhar

Horseshoe from Drawing (Open)

  1. Mathieu Delcroix - 82,5
  2. Pródán Norbert - 68,5
  3. Francois Canu - 67,5

Hucul Path (Junior)

  1. Barna Eszter - Ousor Vidra
  2. Vörös Gergő - Hroby Csocsó
  3. Vajda Kincső - Prislop Zefír

Speed Forging (Beginner)

  1. Lea Mathieu - 84,5
  2. Maria Fura - 59
  3. Marjan Štampek - 44

Hucul Path (Adult)

  1. Pető Brigitta - Hroby Dömény
  2. Szepesi Martina - Ousor Gavallér
  3. Nagy Tamás - Polan Haver

Speed Forging (Open)

  1. Mathieu Delcroix - 90
  2. Godó József - 64
  3. Pródán Norbert - 61

Hucul Path (Sport)

  1. Vajda Kincső - Ousor Vidra
  2. Vörös Gergő - Hroby Csocsó
  3. Szepesi Martina - Ousor Gavallér

Eagle Eye

Pródán Norbert és Mathieu Delcroix

Ride & Run (Children)

  1. Palcsó Eszter - Goral Táncos
  2. Marosi Boglárka - Goral Süni
  3. Romhány-Pető Zsófia - Hroby Ledér


Ride & Run (Junior)

  1. Vajda Kincső - Ousor Vidra
  2. Vörös Gergő - Hroby Csocsó
  3. Mede Eszter Amarilla - Prislop Foksa
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