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January 31 - Winter Hike in the Zemplén Nature Reserve


January 31 - Winter Hike in the Zemplén Nature Reserve

zempelni teli tura

We will hike among the Molyva Hills from Erdőbenye to Aranyospuszta, passing through the Aranyos Valley Nature Protection Area along the way. Many different types of woodpeckers may be spotted among the snow-clad trees as well as Hungary’s only protected owl species, the Ural Owl. During the guided tour, tracks of many forest creatures will be identified, including, with luck, the lynx.

Meeting Point: Erdőbénye Village Museum, 10:00
Location: Erdőbényei Deák-kút-völgy, Aranyospuszta
Distance and Duration: 12 km (5 óra)
Tickets: 1000 HUF/adult, 500 HUF/student
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