Coronavirus is the fastest-spreading disease in the community, which is why anti-cluster measures are in place. It is forbidden to organize events and visit cultural institutions. The details of the government decree were published in the Hungarian Official Gazette (Magyar Közlöny) and entered into force on 17 March 2020.
(source: coronavirus.gov.hu)
Ecotourism, environmental education and other cultural programs previously announced by the Aggtelek National Park Directorate will be canceled.
Demonstration sites run by the Aggtelek National Park Directorate are not allowed and may not be entered:
Kúria Oktatóközpont (Jósvafő)
Kúria Hucul Lovasbázis (Jósvafő)
Kessler Hubert Emlékház (Jósvafő)
Mohos Ház (Kelemér)
Szalamandra Erdei Iskola (Szögliget)
Művészetek Magtára (Bódvaszilas)
Zempléni Tájegység sárospataki bemutatóhely (Pavletits-ház)