On April 16, 2015 Director of the Slovakian State Conservation Office (Štátna ochrana prírody Slovenskej Republiky - SR SOP) Milan Boroš and Balázs Veress, Director of Aggtelek National Park signed a cooperation agreement between the two organisations.
The signatories agreed to jointly submit and execute cross-border conservation research and monitoring projects, continued cooperation regarding Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Site status, and joint protection of the single coherent karst system. A separate point was amended to the agreement covering the organisation of a joint conference marking the 20th anniversary of the Aggtelek and Slovak Karst caves being declared a World Heritage Site, Aggtelek National Park’s 30th birthday, and the 70th anniversary of the founding of UNESCO.
Part of the agreement also includes mutual research on migratory species, and large carnivores such as wolves and lynx, and common action against invasive species. The collaboration provides an opportunity to organise regular exchanges of experience combined with personal meetings, joint border checks by the respective Park Ranger Services, and conduction of joint events.