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Slovak State Conservation Agency-ANPI Cooperation Pact


On April 28, 2017 Ing. Milan Boroš, Director of the Slovak State Conservation Agency (Štátna ochrana prírody Slovenskej republiky -  ŠOP SR) and Balázs Veress, Director of Aggtelek National Park signed a 2-year (2017-2018) cooperation agreement between the two organisations.

The signatories agreed on the submission and management of joint cross-border tenders, the pursuit of joint nature conservation research and monitoring activities, continued cooperation on biosphere reserve and World Heritage activities, and the uniform and coherent common protection of the karst environment. The agreement also includes joint activities on migratory species, research on large carnivores and actions against invasive species. In addition, the accord offers the opportunity to organise personal meetings, exchanges of experience, cross-border joint inspections by park ranger services and joint events.

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MagtArt Arts Granary News

Two former Eszterházy estate granary buildings, one in Slovakia and one in Hungary, were renovated at a cost of 2 million Euro (2.6 million USD) by the Hungarian Aggtelek National Park and the Slovakian ALMA-Centre for the Restoration and Protection of Folk Architecture and Traditions


Enyhültek a látogatás szabályai News

A védelmi intézkedések következő üteméről szóló 207/2020. (V. 15.) Korm. rendelet alapján újabb könnyítések léptek életbe.