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Brown Bears Roaming North-East Hungary


As you have probably heard, brown bears have been sighted at several locations in north-east Hungary this week. In recent years, this has happened more and more regularly. However, just because there is a bear in town, this does not mean you need to postpone your visit to Aggtelek National Park. Encounters with bears are extremely rare. But in any case, you should keep the following rules in mind:


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MagtArt Arts Granary News

Two former Eszterházy estate granary buildings, one in Slovakia and one in Hungary, were renovated at a cost of 2 million Euro (2.6 million USD) by the Hungarian Aggtelek National Park and the Slovakian ALMA-Centre for the Restoration and Protection of Folk Architecture and Traditions


Enyhültek a látogatás szabályai News

A védelmi intézkedések következő üteméről szóló 207/2020. (V. 15.) Korm. rendelet alapján újabb könnyítések léptek életbe.