St. Martin Playhouse at the Zemplén Nature Reserve
(environmental education programme for schools)
Date and Time: November 11, 10:00
Location: Bodrogkeresztúr
Meeting Point: Zemplén Nature Reserve Office, Bodrogkeresztúr
Duration: 2 hours
Tickets: 200 Huf/person
Maximum number of people: 30
Advanced booking required by November 4th.
More Information and Booking: Zemplén Nature Reserve Regional Office .
Drawing Competition and Project Proposal Award Ceremony,
Aggtelek National Park
This year’s theme was Aggtelek National Park’s 30th anniversary. Seventy-five winning drawings will go on display out of hundreds of submissions.
Date and Time: November 12, 14:00
Location: Bódvaszilas
Meeting Point: MagtArt Arts Granary, Bódvaszilas
Tickets: Free
More Information and Booking: Manor House Environmental Education Centre
20th Anniversary of Aggtelek National Park’s World Heritage Site Status
20% off adult ticket prices on all daily cave tours
Date and Time: November 20
Meet Mikulás (Santa) in the Baradla Cave
Groups of nursery, kindergarten and school children (up until the approximate age of 10) are invited on our special Mikulás (Santa) Tour in the Baradla Cave. The tour follows the Jósvafő short tour route, but includes a remarkable meeting with Mikulás from whom every child will receive a gift bag.
Dates: November 25 – December 4
Departure Times: 9:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00
Location: Jósvafő Meeting Point: Baradla Cave, Jósvafő entrance
Advanced booking required by November 20!
Tickets: 1400 HUF/child (with gift package), adult (without gift); 200 HUF/teacher (with teacher ID, and in the company of 5 nursery school or 10 school children for one person per group)
Minimum of 10 guests required for the tour to depart.
Distance and Duration: 1 km, 1 hour
Maximum number of people: 30
Weekdays are for school groups, whereas weekends are for families and individuals.
Information and Advanced Booking: Jósvafő Ticket Office Tel: 48/506-009
Santa Tour Family Programme (weekends)
Dates: November 28, 29, and December 5, 6
Departure Time: 11:00
Advanced booking required by November 20!