• H-3758 Jósvafő, Tengerszem oldal 1.
  • +36 48-503-000
  • info.anp[at]t-online[dot]hu

Summer Programmes in Villages around ANPI


III. Steamed Dumpling Festival
Szuhafő, Rendezvénytér
2018 June 23

VII. Boldvai Clabber Festival
2018 June 30

Click on the photo for the full programme.

3. Perkupa Opera Festival
2018 July 6-7

Click on the poster to enlarge.


VIII. Gömör Tornai Folk Meeting
2018 August 3-4
Tornabarakony, Kemencés domb (Dózsa György utca 22.)

The Baráti Kör Tornabarakonyért Foundation’s VIII. Gömör-Tornai Folk Gathering Draft Programme:


August 3: an evening production of Indul a bakterház by the Bódvaszilasi Színjátszó Kör will open the festival

August 4: among others, the following will take the stage - Viganó Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola Folk Dance Troupe (Jászberény), Császta Folk Dance Troupe, Pannónia Folk Dance Troupe (Kistarcsa)...
The afternoon activities for children will include: the tale of the Ogajló Miracle Stag by the Rozsnyói Meseszínház, and a production in the evening by the Csavar Színház.
Exhibitions by Jászberény painters and others.

Handicrafts will include leather, pottery and egg engraving

Local producers of cheese, honey, cordials and smoked meats will also be on hand.

The Literature Corner will also be re-launched with productions based on works by Németh Pákolicz Tamás

Folk Dancing Classes with live music provided by the Törköly Zenekar (Deberecen)

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