New Year’s Operetta Gala
The Blue Danube Salon Concert Orchestra led by violinist Sandor Berki , will showcase selections from nearly 100 years of operetta history. The orchestra will perform variations on the world famous Viennese operettas composed by Franz Lehar, such as The Merry Widow, Giuditta and Gypsy Love. Don’t miss the operetta classics by Imre Kálmán: Hajmási Péter Hajmási Pál, Húzzad csak kivilágos virradatig, Ringóvállú csengeri violám, Szép város Kolozsvár...Enjoy Jenő Huszka’s eternal melodiesDélibábos Hortobágyon, A bugaci határon which combine traditional Hungarian dance rhythms and the folk genre with classic Viennese operetta forms. Catch the spectacular performance of Szirmai Albert's Mágnás Miskája and Cintányéros cudar világ.Of course, the Gala will be crowned by virtuoso instrumental solos.
Please be advised that while at 10C (50F) the cave is considerably warmer than the outdoor winter environment, dress warmly!
Date and Time:
December 30, 2013 at 16:00
December 30, 2013 at 16:00
Aggtelek, Baradla Cave Concert Hall
Aggtelek, Baradla Cave Concert Hall
Kék Duna Szalonzenekar (Blue Danube Salon Concert Orchestra),
Anna Pánty – soprano,
Hajnalka Rózsavölgyi – soubrette,
Ferenc Gerdesics - tenor,
Róbert Kecskeméti– comedy and dance,
Móricz Máté Dance Ensemble
Kék Duna Szalonzenekar (Blue Danube Salon Concert Orchestra),
Anna Pánty – soprano,
Hajnalka Rózsavölgyi – soubrette,
Ferenc Gerdesics - tenor,
Róbert Kecskeméti– comedy and dance,
Móricz Máté Dance Ensemble
Advanced Booking!
Ticket Price - 2500 HUF
For more information:
Tel: 48 / 503 000
Email: aggtelek@tourinform.hu
For more information:
Tel: 48 / 503 000
Email: aggtelek@tourinform.hu