New Years Gala 2014 with the Blue Danube Salon Concert Orchestra led by violinist Sándor Berki
Time: 16:00 (80 min. duration)
Tickets: 2500 HUF/person
The Blue Danube Salon Concert Orchestra and its guest stars will perform the most beautiful selections of works by Imre Kálmán, Ferenc Lehár, Albert Szirmai, Jenő Huszka, Béla Zerkovitz, Strauss, Brahms and Offenbach.
This fantastic compilation will feature pieces from the Csárdáskirálynő (The Gypsy Princess), the Marica grófnő (Countess Maritza), The Bajadér, The Merry Widow, Cigányszerelem (Gypsy Love), Mágnás Miska (Magnate Miska), Mária főhadnagy (Lieutenant Mary/Corporal Maria), Csókos asszony (the Kissing Woman) and Die Fledermaus (The Bat).
Performers: 5-piece orchestra, 4 singers (Ágnes Palotás – soprano, Eszter Sára Kővári– soprano, Eric Kollár– dancer, Béla Turpinszky – tenor)Móricz Máté and the Lehár Dance Group (2 couples)
Ticket Reservations: Tourinform-Aggtelek, Tel: +36 48 / 503-000,