National Agriculture and Food Exhibition 2015 The 77th National Agricultural and Food Exhibition (OMÉK), one of the oldest agri-business events in Hungary, was held again in Budapest this year on September 23-27.
During the five-day exhibition, those interested could learn about and could taste the flavours of Hungary’s diverse local culinary landscapes, purchase products from local producers, and get a feel for various traditional Hungarian regional cultures.
The Minister for Rural Development declared 2015 the Year of the Local Product. Aggtelek National Park’s (ANP) four certified local products were represented by the Fruktárium’s brandies.
Aggtelek National Park, under the patronage of the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture, set up a booth providing information about the park’s cave tours, equine tourism, the 30-year anniversary of the national park, and events associated with the celebration of being declared a World Heritage Site 20 years ago.
ANP did not just participate in the exhibition hall, but also showed off the hucul horse breed every day with carriage racing demonstrations pulled by nine year old stallion Prislop Zefir and 10 year old breeding mare Goral Vackor.
Following the opening ceremony on Friday, introductions to the different breeds were held and awards were given to the best breeders of each type.
Years of enduring breeding work were recognised with the presentation of the OMÉK bronze and silver medals by Minister of Rural Development Dr. Sándor Fazekas to ANP Director Balázs Veress. Agrármarketing Centre Deputy Director Imre György Lipcsey and Balázs Fekete, President of the Hungarian Animal Breeder Association presented ANP with certificates recognising its successful programme.
Participating Horse and Carriage Teams:
Prislop Zefír: 9 year old stud. This easily handled stallion not only competes in carriage races, but also in jumping, show jumping and dressage competitions. Zefir has successfully competed in several events. During 2-horse carriage races, he is harnessed on the right.
- Driver: Miss Kincső Vajda (13),
- Assistant: Krisztián Boros
Hroby Dömény: 5 year old gelding. He raced for the first time this year in Poland and came in second. We see a good sporting future ahead for this horse. During 2-horse carriage races, Dömény is harnessed on the left.
- Driver: Miss Kincső Vajda (13),
- Assistant: Krisztián Boros
Hroby Demes: 5 year old gelding He raced for the first time this year in Poland and came in second. During 2-horse carriage races, Demes is harnessed on the left.
- Driver: Gábor Jóna,
- Assistant: Gergő Boros (until Thursday)
- Driver: Zerind Veress (13 years old),
- Assitant: Gábor Jóna (from Friday)
Ousor Darvas: 5-year-old gelding. He raced for the first time this year in Poland and came in second. Darvas is harnessed on the right.
- Driver: Gábor Jóna
- Assistant: Gergő Boros (until Thursday)
- Driver: Zerind Veress (13 years old),
- Assitant: Gábor Jóna (from Friday)