IV. Nomád Baradla Underground Trail Race
One of the most unusual and exciting foot races in Hungary, the race passes through a section of Aggtelek National Park’s spectacular Baradla Cave. Categories include 16km and 34km, as well as a race for children.
Date and Time: Saturday, September 5, 2015; 09:00
Distance: 16km, 34km
Location: Aggtelek Nomád Baradla Camping and Hostel Aggtelek
Tickets and Information: www.baradla-trail.hu
Tel: +36-30-219-7171; info@baradla-trail.hu
VII. Gömör Fruit Festival
The VII. Regional Gömör Fruit Festival will be held a week earlier than usual this year. Calm, the aromas of jams, live music, games, dancing, and a little serenity before the rainy autumn weather sets in.
Date and Time: Saturday, September 5, 2015
Programme includes:
- Local products and crafts market;
- Regional fruit and mushroom exhibition;
- Plum jam preparation; and
- Professional conferences.
Mónika, Vrastyák Dávid Várnagy
Gömöri Környezet és Tájfejlesztő Egyesület
Tel: +36-30-639-4549, +36-30-739-3647,
gomorikte@freemail.hu, www.gomorikte.hu
Rutting Deer Tour in Aggtelek National Park
The magical autumn evenings when the deer are in rut are not to be missed. Listen to the bellows of the stags while walking through the Aggtelek karst.
Date and Time: September 19 and 26, 18:00
Meeting Point: Square in front of the Baradla Cave entrance in Aggtelek (Sept.26) (Sept. 19),
Baradla Cave entrance in Jósvafő (Sept. 19) (Sept.26) PROGRAM CHANGES!
Distance and Duration: 2 km, 2 hours
Tickets: 1000 Huf/person, or 700 Huf/person if you come with a group of 10 or more people; 500 Huf/student or senior citizen; 2000 Huf/family
Maximum number of people: 30
Places must be reserved by September 18th and 25th respectively. Tours will only depart if a minimum of 5 people or 5 full-price tickets are sold.
More Information and Booking: Tourinform, Aggtelek
Rutting Deer Tour in the Zemplén Nature Reserve
The magical autumn evenings when the deer are in rut are not to be missed. Listen to the bellows of the stags while walking through the interior of the Zemplén Nature Reserve.
Date and Time: September 19 and 26, 18:00
Location: Erdőbénye Fás Pasture, Nature Protected Area
Meeting Point: Erdőbénye Fás Pasture, Nature Protected Area Parking Lot
Distance and Duration: 2 km, 2 hours
Tickets: 1000 Huf/person, or 700 Huf/person if you come with a group of 10 or more people; 500 Huf/student or senior citizen; 2000 Huf/family
Maximum number people: 30
Places must be reserved by August 14th and 21st respectively. Tours will only depart if a minimum of 5 people or 5 full-price tickets are sold.
More Information and Booking: Zemplén Nature Reserve Regional Office
20th Anniversary of Aggtelek National Park’s World
Heritage Site Status 20% off adult ticket prices on all daily cave tours
Date and Time: September 20
Clean Up the World Day, Aggtelek National Park
“Our Place...Our Planet...Our Responsibility” (environmental education programme for schools) 4-5 person teams of students are welcome to register and help clean up Aggtelek National Park’s nature trails. The clean up action will be followed by environmentally themed info sessions. Clean Up the World is a community based environmental campaign that inspires and empowers communities from every corner of the globe to clean up, fix up and conserve their environment. Now in its 22nd year, Clean Up the World, held in conjunction with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), mobilises an estimated 35 million volunteers from 130 countries annually, making it one of the largest community-based environmental campaigns in the world. The campaign brings together businesses community groups, schools, governments and individuals in a range of activities and programs that positively improve local environments.
Date and Time: September 23, 9:00
Location: Jósvafő
Meeting Point: Manor House Environmental Education Centre, Jósvafő
Tickets: Free
Please register your team by September 18th
More Information and Registration: Manor House Environmental Education Centre
St. Michael Playhouse, Aggtelek National Park
Date and Time: September 25, 15:00
Location: Aggtelek
Meeting Point: Aggtelek Elementary School
Tickets: Free
More Information and Booking: Manor House Environmental Education Centre