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OPEN! The Digital Power Station and the National Film History Adventure Park


An educational, research and methodological centre has been established in a former foundry in Ózd. The complex’s facilities provide a unique insight into the history of the Carpathian Basin, the history of Hungarian informatics and the world of filmmaking all on one site.

The main attraction of the Digital Power Station is the permanent Digital Carpathian Basin exhibition. The cultural exhibit covering Hungary’s golden age is unique because one can track the past hundred years of Carpathian Basin history through an infinite number of film clips. Visitors can walk through a picturesque landscape in the company of inventors, artists and athletes for an unparalleled experience.

In another room, lovers of computer science can get acquainted with the history of Hungarian informatics through tools selected from the Informatics History Museum Foundation’s (Szeged) extensive collection. For those seeking a more extreme experience, there is the Mind Control Room, Ozd’s first escape room.

The National Film History Adventure Park has enjoyed unparalleled success among film enthusiasts. Besides its Hungarian film poster collection, costume and set collection, and exhibition on archival film techniques, the facility promises other unique experiences. The Green Screen Zip Line can be traversed with a movie-like background. Every ride is videoed so that you can take a digital memory home with you. And if that is not enough, visitors have an opportunity to film their own feature film using sets from original Hungarian classic films.

The complex is open Tuesday-Sunday from 9 am to 5 pm. Closed on Mondays.


Digital Power Station

Address: Ipari Park, Gyár út 1, Törzsgyár, Ózd 3600
Tel.: (48) 705 068
E-mail: info@nfe.hu
Web: www.digitaliseromu.hu


National Film History Adventure Park

Address: Ipari Park, Gyár út 1, Törzsgyár, Ózd 3600
Tel.: (48) 705 024
Mobile: (70) 642 8314
E-mail: info@nfe.hu
Web: www.nfe.hu

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