May 24: XVI. Annual Bükk – Aggtelek Bike Tour
Departure Time: 10:00
Route: Szilvásvárad – Nagyvisnyó – Dédestapolcsány – Uppony – Borsodbóta – Sajómercse – Putnok – Kelemér – Zádorfalva – Ragály – Trizs – Aggtelek
Location: departing from Szilvásvárad at 10:00 and arriving in Aggtelek
More information: Tourinform-Aggtelek, 3759 Aggtelek, Baradla Oldal 3. Tel: 48/503-000. aggtelek@tourinform.hu
More information: Tourinform-Aggtelek, 3759 Aggtelek, Baradla Oldal 3. Tel: 48/503-000. aggtelek@tourinform.hu
- The bicycle tour is largely along public roads. Following KRESZ traffic rules and regulations is mandatory. All participants accept responsibility for their own safety. Children under 14 years of age must be accompanied by a parent in order to participate.
- Upon request, participants may leave their personal belongings in the Bükk National Park’s car to have them transported to Aggtelek from Szilvásvárad (at the starting line).
Please be aware that the organisers can only guarantee a limited number of spaces on the bus to and from Aggtelek and Szilvásvárad.
· 500 Huf/person/direction
· 200 Huf/bike/direction
Advanced booking for may be made through the Tourinform Office in Aggtelek: Baradla oldal 3, 3759Aggtelek, Email:
Registration is at the Starting Line in Szilvásvárad.
Please fill out the table below if you require transport from Aggtelek to Szilvásvárad either for yourself, your bicycle or both.
From Aggtelek to – Szilvásvárad
Morning (M)
or Evening (E) |
For how many persons?
Do you require transport for people?
Do you require transport for bikes?
From which town would you like transportation?*
* Participants can be picked up or let off the bus as it travels the following route: Aggtelek – Trizs – Ragály – Zubogy – Felsőnyárád – Kurityán – Szuhakálló- Múcsony – Kazincbarcika - Dédestapolcsány – Szilvásvárad.