• H-3758 Jósvafő, Tengerszem oldal 1.
  • +36 48-503-000
  • info.anp[at]t-online[dot]hu

Rervering Nature Walking Tour


Just as nature is quiet; we will calm our souls as well.

Date and Time: September 24, 10:00

Meeting Point: Jósvafő, parsonage (parokia) at 9:00

Distance and Duration: 20 km, 6-7 hours

Tickets: Free

Maximum number of people: 50

More Information and Booking: Tourinform, Aggtelek, 48/503-000, naturinform.anp@gmail.com

A Tornakápolna/Szinpetri/Jósvafő/Aggtelek Calvinist Church and Aggtelek National Park joint programme. The guided hike will include visits to the Calvinist churches and national park protected monuments in the villages of Tornakápolna, Szinpetri, Jósvafő and Aggtelek. Along the way, enjoy the autumn foliage, forest fruit and splendid wildflowers, as well as the bellows of deer in rut.

Recommended: hiking clothes, hiking boots, raincoat, jacket, and food and water.

Route: Tornakápolna - Mogyorós tető - Tornakápolnai Szőlőhegy - Borház kút - Szinpetri - István-völgy - Jósvafői Szőlőhegy - az Országos Kék Túra útvanalán tovább - Kuriszlán - Jósvafő - Magas-hegy - Mész-völgy - Aggtelek.

An ANP bus will transport participants to Tornakápolna and also return them to Jósvafő from Aggtelek at the end of the hike.

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