Szőlőhegy Vineyards and Wine Cellar Walking Tour article
The 3-6 hour roundtrip from Jósvafő takes visitors through the exceptional karst topography of the region.
The 3-6 hour roundtrip from Jósvafő takes visitors through the exceptional karst topography of the region.
The following tours are available with advanced booking
A jósvafői ménesközpontban rövid ismertető a ménesről, közben, aki szeretné kipróbálhatja a lovaglást, ki-ki tudásának megfelelően karámban szabadon vagy vezetve, utána lovaskocsikkal a 1,5 km-re lévő ménes megtekintése....
Aggtelek National Park is the number one spot for large carnivores in Hungary. The proximity of the Carpathians, and ecological corridors allowing for unhindered passage into the country has meant the return of a number of otherwise thought to be extinct species.
Fogatozni kívánó vendégeink három különböző ajánlatunkból választhatnak.
A lovas sportok szerelmesei részére ajánljuk az Aggteleki Nemzeti Park lovas szolgáltatásait.
A short description of the Béke Cave
The Green Border Nature Trail was established within the framework of the "Year of the Countryside" Programme, creating the first cross-border hiking trail in the region. The route actually connects the entrance of the Baradla Cave
The circle-route departs and ends from the Salamander House in Szögliget.
Established in 2001, the Badger Nature Trail serves a dual purpose. The route acquaints hikers with both the natural wonders of the river and forest environment, and the flora and highlights fauna of the area.
The Baradla Nature Trail is Aggtelek National Park's oldest and most visited nature trail.