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On the front: Eurasian bullfinch


Real winter visitors have arrived in Hungary, at least in some parts of the country. However, this small but eye-catching red-breasted bird is found in the Aggtelek Karst throughout the year.

The Eurasian bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) is rarely seen in Hungary, and is usually spotted in the winter if at all. The bird prefers higher altitudes, which is one of the reasons it can be found in the Aggtelek Karst throughout the year. The bullfinches are small and the males of the species are easily recognised by their brightly coloured breasts. The females are less noticeable, sporting duller brownish hues. Their breeding season lasts between April to August, during which time it twice lays a brood of 4-5 eggs. Chicks fledge after 12-14 days. Seeds, buds and berries make up their diet. The bullfinch is named after the sound of its call. In Hungary, the vast majority of songbirds are protected by law. The bullfinch is no exception, and carries a 25000 HUF fine.

Souurce: xeno-canto.org

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