Hungarian National Park Week
May 30 – June 5
Discounts on cave tours (20%) and surface tours (50%).
Nature’s Pharmacy
Recognising and learning about wild medicinal plants during a short walk around Red Lake. Folk lore, healing properties and curiosities mixed with useful information on how to utilise these wild plants to manage everyday household issues. Herbal tea at the end of the tour.
Date and Time: June 1, 10:00 and 14:00
Location: Vörös-tó (Red Lake)
Meeting Point: Vörös-tó (Red Lake) Visitors’ Centre
Duration and Distance: 1.5 km, 2 hours
Tickets: 500 Huf/person, or 350 Huf/person if you come with a group of 10 or more people; 250 Huf/student or senior citizen; 1000 Huf/family
Maximum number of people: 30
Places must be reserved by May 30th. Tours will only depart if a minimum of 5 people or 5 full-price tickets are sold.
More Information and Booking: Tourinform-Aggtelek
The Natural Wonders of Jósvafő
Many waters emerge from the Baradla, Béke and Kossuth Caves as springs and streams in and around the picturesque village of Jósvafő. Participants will learn about the area’s amazing wildlife and natural history of
the village along the way. The tour follows the Fürkész Nature Trail.
Date and Time: June 2, 10:00
Location: Jósvafő
Meeting Point: in front of the ticket office for the Baradla Cave in Jósvafő
Duration and Distance: 5 km, 2.5 hours
Tickets: 500 Huf/person, or 350 Huf/person if you come with a group of 10 or more people; 250 Huf/student or senior citizen; 1000 Huf/family
Places must be reserved by May 31st. Tours will only depart if a minimum of 5 people or 5 full-price tickets are sold.
Maximum number of people: 30
More Information and Booking: Tourinform-Aggtelek
Corn Crake Night: Watching the Bird of the Year 2016
Corn Crake Night: Watching the Bird of the Year 2016 A short presentation followed by an exciting night walk during which participants, given good weather, will hear the bird’s unusual calls.
Date and Time: June 3, 20:00-23:00
Location: Jósvafő
Meeting Point: Manor House Environmental Education Centre
Tickets: 500 Huf/person, or 350 Huf/person if you come with a group of 10 or more people; 250 Huf/student or senior citizen; 1000 Huf/family
Places must be reserved by June 2. Tours will only depart if a minimum of 5 people or 5 full-price tickets are sold.
Maximum number of people: 15
More Information and Booking: Tourinform-Aggtelek
Salamander Playhouse and Corn Crake Day
An exciting, interactive playhouse focusing on the corncrake, 2016 bird of the year.
Date and Time: June 3, 11:00-15:00
Location: Aggtelek
Meeting Point: square in front of the Tourinform Office
Tickets: Free
Maximum number of people: groups please book by June 2nd.
More Information and Booking: Tourinform Aggtelek
At the Boundaries of Aggtelek
An early summer tour introduces traditional land use methods in the Aggtelek Karst, including: “belt parcels” and traditional field crops such as wheat, barley are rye that are rare today (and sometimes protected), and flowering weeds such as cornflower, cockle and larkspur.
Date and Time: June 4, 18:00
Location: Aggtelek
Meeting Point: parking lot by the bell tower in Aggtelek
Duration and Distance: 5 km, 3 hours
Tickets: 500 Huf/person, or 350 Huf/person if you come with a group of 10 or more people; 250 Huf/student or senior citizen; 1000 Huf/family
Maximum number of people: 30
Places must be reserved by June 3. Tours will only depart if a minimum of 5 people or 5 full-price tickets are sold.
More Information and Booking: Tourinform-Aggtelek
Mayfly Hatching in the Zemplén Nature Reserve
Every year at the beginning of June a magical event happens along the Tisza and Bodrog Rivers – Europe’s largest mayflies (Palingenia longicauda) hatch and swarm. This spectacular event marks their extremely short 1-2 day lives! The swarm hatches on the Bodrog during the first week of June, and generally on the Tisza a week later. Call us on June 2 for a more precise time.
Date and Time: June 6-7* 16:00
Location: Bodrogzug - Bodrogkeresztúr
Meeting Point: Bodrogkisfalud ferry
Distance and Duration: 4 km, 2 hours
Tickets: 1000 Huf/person, or 700 Huf/person if you come with a group of 10 or more people; 500 Huf/student or senior citizen; 2000 Huf/family
Maximum number people: 30
Places must be reserved by June 2nd. Tours will only depart if a minimum of 5 people or 5 full-price tickets are sold.
More Information and Booking: Zemplén Nature Reserve Regional Office
*Probably June 6-7. However, the exact dates of the
tours depend upon nature. The first week of June is our
best guess. Please contact us closer to the date for
exact details!
Wandering Over the Roof of the Baradla Cave, Aggtelek National Park
When did the Devil plough around Aggtelek? Why haven’t the waters of Aggtelek Lake been drained by the cave? These and similar questions will be answered during this guided tour.
Date and Time: June 11, 14:30
Location: Aggtelek
Meeting Point: the square in front of the entrance to the Baradla Cave, Tourinform, Aggtelek
Distance and Duration: 3 km, 1.5-2 hours
Tickets: 1000 Huf/person, or 700 Huf/person if you come with a group of 10 or more people; 500 Huf/student or senior citizen; 2000 Huf/family
Maximum number of people: 30
More Information and Booking: Tourinform, Aggtelek
Firefly Tour at Aggtelek National Park
After sunset, new players take the stage.
Date and Time: June 18, 20:00
Location: Aggtelek
Meeting Point: square in front of the Baradla Cave entrance
Distance and Duration: 8 km, 3 hours
Tickets: 1000 Huf/person, or 700 Huf/person if you come with a group of 10 or more people; 500 Huf/student or senior citizen; 2000 Huf/family
Maximum number of people: 30
Places must be reserved by June 17th. Tours will only depart if a minimum of 5 people or 5 full-price tickets are sold.
More Information and Booking: Tourinform, Aggtelek
Nature’s Pharmacy Walking Tour
Recognising and learning about wild medicinal plants during a short walk around Red Lake. Folk lore, healing properties and curiosities mixed with useful information on how to utilise these wild plants to manage everyday household issues.
Date and Time: June 19, 9:00
Location: around Red Lake between Aggtelek and Jósvafő
Meeting Point: Vörös-tó (Red Lake) Visitor’s Centre (between Aggtelek and Jósvafő)
Distance and Duration: 1.5 km, 2 hours
Maximum number of people: 30
Places must be reserved by June 18th. Tours will only depart if a minimum of 5 people or 5 full-price tickets are sold.
Tickets: 1000 Huf/person, or 700 Huf/person if you come with a group of 10 or more people; 500 Huf/student or senior citizen; 2000 Huf/family
Information: Tourinform-Aggtelek
Above and Below Ground Challenge Hikes: Observatory 10km, Baradla 20km, Hucul 30km, Szelce 50km
The challenge tours include walking through sections of the Baradla Cave, and are jointly organised with the Vasutas Természetjáró Baráti Kör (Bánréve).
Date and Time: June 25, 07:00
Location: around Aggtelek and Jósvafő
Meeting Point: Vőrős-tó (Red Lake) Visitors Centre
Duration and Distance: 10, 20, 30, 50 km
Tickets: 600 HUF without the cave section, 1400 Huf including the cave section in the tour
Advanced booking required by June 15.
Maximum number of people: 200, 100 for the cave section
More Information and Booking: Tourinform-Aggtelek or Vasutas természetjáró Baráti Kör – Tóth Ferenc Attila: 06-30/919-77-44, bringa1@citromail.hu
World Cave Day 2016, June 25-26, Aggtelek National Park
Take advantage of major discounts on specific cave tours in celebration of World Cave Days 2016 and be spellbound by the subterranean treasures of the Aggtelek karst.
- Green Island Play House
Date and Time: June 25, 10:00
Location: Aggtelek
Meeting Point: square in front of the Tourinform office
Tickets: Free
More Information and Booking: Tourinform-Aggtelek
- Night of Museums 2016: “Heroes, Explorers and Innovators”
An unconventional tour of the Baradla Cave at night by
electric torchlight following in the footsteps of earlier
Date and Time: June 25, 19:30
Location: Aggtelek
Meeting Point: square in front of the Tourinform Office,
Duration and Distance: 1 km, 1.5-2 hours
Tickets: all tickets 2200 HUF
Places must be reserved by June 24th.
Tours will only depart if a minimum of 10 people book places.
Maximum number of people: 30
More Information and Booking: Tourinform-Aggtelek
- Fire Juggling Show
Date and Time: June 25, 21:30
Location: Aggtelek
Meeting Point: square in front of the Tourinform office
Tickets: Free
More Information and Booking: Tourinform-Aggtelek
- Cave Tour Discounts
As part of World Cave Day, receive discounts on specified tours of the subterranean wonders of the Aggtelek Karst.
- June 25: 20% off adult and student tickets for the Baradla Cave Intermediate Red Lake Tour
- June 26: Rákóczi and Vass Imre Cave tours at the discounted group ticket price.
- Additional programmes include film screenings at the Red Lake Visitor’s Centre and the MagtArt Arts Granary in Bódvaszilas.