Last week, Ambassador Bell and the Embassy’s Regional Environmental, Science & Technology, and Health Hub Office for Central and Eastern Europe (http://hungary.usembassy.gov/hub.html) visited Aggtelek National Park and met with Mr. Péter Gruber, Deputy Director, Mr. Sándor Rózsa, Chief Ranger, and Ms. Tímea Kelemen, Project Manager, who presented the history and geography of the Park.
The Ambassador congratulated the officials for the Park’s 30th Anniversary this year and discussed a similar tradition of nature conservation and education through the National Parks in the United States. The Embassy is grateful to the many Facebook fans who suggested a visit to Aggtelek National Park to Ambassador Bell! The tour of the Park highlighted the extraordinary natural beauty of Aggtelek.
“I am proud of our common heritage of respecting natural treasures. I would like to thank the Facebook fans of the U.S. Embassy for their splendid suggestion to go and see national parks, and I am grateful to the management of the park for making the visit possible”
– Ambassador Bell said after she discovered the wonders of the Baradla Cave and stopped by the Hucul horse farm in Jósvafő. Ambassador Bell is looking forward to visiting more National Parks in Hungary and welcomes your suggestions as to which one should be next. Learn more about this amazing national park at Aggtelek here: http://anp.nemzetipark.gov.hu/