Saturday, March 11, 2017
18:00 Torchlight procession along the main street of Szögliget
20:00 Hollóének Hungarica medieval bagpipe music concert in the courtyard of Salamander House, Szögliget
Sunday, March 12, 2017
08:00 Musical parade in Szögliget
09:00 All day programme in the Salamander House courtyard
- cannon firing and other siege activities demonstrated by the Északi Szabad Hajduk Hagyományőrző Association
- Szádvár Ordasok Archery Association archery demonstration
- Medieval arts and crafts tent, presentation on medicinal herbs,
- Hollóének Hungarica medieval music
- Exhibition of the archaeological finds at the castle, Szögliget Local Museum (Szabadság tér 26)
More information: www.szadvar.hu, www.facebook.com/szadvarertbaratikor