The Cave Tour | Tour Times | Prices and Discounts | Directions
Important information | Contact
Distance: 6 km (a little over 3 miles)
Duration: 4-6 hours
Meeting at the Aggtelek Ticket Office, tour participants will walk with their guide 2 km (in each direction) to the cave entrance. Approximately 2-3 hours will be spent exploring a 2 km section of the cave. The curative effect of the Béke cave’s air was recognised very early, and in 1969 it was declared the first therapeutic cave in the country. Respiratory illnesses may be relieved by breathing the cave air. This adventurous tour requires good stamina, but the fantastic insight into this subterranean world is well worth the effort. Highlights include red and white “flag” formations, drapes, pure white cascading pools created by a series of tufa dams leading to the Rope Ladder Siphon, and of course the Orange Torrent and Red Chamber.
More information:
The Tour Route
Please be aware that advanced booking (at least 2 weeks) is required to participate on this tour. You may join an already booked tour, but this completely depends on the numbers. To book, or to try to join an already scheduled group, please inquire at the Tourinform Office.
Due to technical problems, the Béke Cave is temporarily closed.
Adult: 5.000 Ft/person
Discount tickets*: 4.000 Ft/person
*Conditions for discounted tickets:
- • Hungarian and foreign children at least 14 years-old with valid student ID,
- retired person
The +1 Cave Discount: Visitors participating on the Baradla Long Tour qualify for a 50% discount on either the Imre Vass or Rákoczi Cave Tours. This offer is only valid on standard adult or discounted tickets, not for family, combination, or class trip tickets. Furthermore, the deal is only redeemable for two days following your Long Tour. Please present your used ticket stub at the Tourinform Office to qualify.
Ticket Office GPS coordinates:
GPS Coordinates: N48o28,2792' E020o29,7262'
From the direction of Aggtelek or Trizs, turn left at the petrol (gas) station (turn right from the direction of Jósvafő) After about 500 m you will spot a 50 m high cliff face, at the base of which is located the ticket office and cave entrance. Parking is on the left.
Cave entrance GPS coordinates:
GPS Coordinates: N48o27,6565' E020o32,5317'
Please meet at the Baradla Cave Ticket Office in Aggtelek. From there, you will walk together with the guide to the Béke Cave entrance 2 km away.
Important Information
Tickets can be purchased at the Baradla Cave Aggtelek Entrance.
Baradla Cave, Aggtelek Ticket Office: (+36) 48-503-003
Tourinform Office, Aggtelek: (+36) 48-503- 000
3759 Aggtelek, Baradla oldal 3
E-mail: aggtelek@tourinform.hu