• H-3758 Jósvafő, Tengerszem oldal 1.
  • +36 48-503-000
  • info.anp[at]t-online[dot]hu

Aggtelek National Park Open Day event

Pentacost Tour and Salamander Adventure

Aggtelek határában event

Hagyományos tájhasználatot bemutató nyáreleji túra Aggtelek körül: szalagparcellák, hagyományos szántóföldi kultúrák, búza, árpa, rozs és ma már ritka (esetenként védett) gyomvegetáció (búzavirág, konkoly, szarkaláb) tekinthető meg.

National Children’s Day event

Treasure Hunt Nature Trail Discount, Baradla Cave Goblin Tour, Salamander Play House, Matt the Goblin Investigates

XIX. Bike Tour Aggtelek-Szilvásvárad event

This year, in order to celebrate Bükk National Park’s 40th Birthday, the 75 km route departs from Aggtelek and ends in Szilvásvárad.

European Day(s) of Parks event

Open days, special tours and environmental education events celebrating the establishment of Aggtelek National Park 32 years ago.

Barangolás a Baradla-barlang tetején event

Mikor szántottak ördögök Aggtelek határában? Hogyan néz ki a karsztfelszín? Miért nem nyeli el a Baradla-barlang az Aggteleki-tó vizét? Ilyen és ezekhez hasonló kérdésekre kap választ az, aki részt vesz túránkon.

Day of Birds and Trees, Nature Walk in the Long Forest Conservation Area, Zemplén Nature Reserve event

The Long Forest Conservation Area borders the Bodrog River. Observe the rich flora and fauna of the natural floodplain.The lower and higher elevations are delineated by stands of willow, poplar, oak and elm in the alluvial forest, and a mosaic of ash and English oak in the lowlands.

Wandering Over the Roof of the Baradla Cave event

When did the Devil plough around Aggtelek? Why haven’t the waters of Aggtelek Lake been drained by the cave? These and similar questions will be answered during this guided tour.

Be a Zugba! – Természetismereti túra a Föld Napja alkalmából event

A Bodrogzug hazánk utolsó időszakosan vízzel elöntött területe. Kora tavasszal a ligeterdők aljnövényzetében nyári tőzikék fehér virágkoronái lengedeznek, a vizek környéke madarak szavától hangos. A program csak alacsony vízállás esetén kerül megrendezésre!

Day of Birds and Trees event

environmental education programme for schools

Evening Tour event

The night forest becomes a romantic setting after sunset as the woods come alive with animal calls. Test your bravery and creep silently along with us over the karst to see what we can see.

Karst Adventure event

Explore both the surface and underground karst world on a guided hike which includes imaginative and engaging environmental education exrecises. Groups may also choose to only participate in one part of the two.part programme.

Forest Tasting Tour event

By mid-April, the forests are already draped in bright green. The forests and meadows of the Aggtelek Karst are no exception; lush with enticingly colourful edible wild plants.

Star Gazing Walk Celebrating International Dark Sky Week event

Following a brief presentation at the Education Centre, there will be a short walking tour at night away from the light pollution to a place where guests can learn about the spring constellations through telescopes.

St. George Day House Round Up event

Enjoy the babbling brooks and tinkling springs on the way to visit the national park’s herd of free-roaming hucul horses in their eye-catching natural splendour as they are rounded up and moved to their Spring pasture.