• H-3758 Jósvafő, Tengerszem oldal 1.
  • +36 48-503-000
  • info.anp[at]t-online[dot]hu

Zöld sziget event

Hike through the Heart of the Aggtelek Karst event

Explore some of the karst’s most distinctive above-ground features, sinkholes and springs.

Revering Nature Walking Tour event

Just as nature is quiet; we will calm our souls as well.

Nature – Church – Drawing: Creative Afternoon event

During a short walk around Jósvafő and a visit to the Calvinist church, become acquainted with the motifs used to decorate local churches.

Family Day – The Microscopic Water World event

Short presentation about microscopic invertebrates inhabiting the local streams, followed by field work taking water samples and examining them under microscopes.

Hot Summer Night Sunset Tours event

Beginning at the vantage point standing above the roof of the Baradla Cave in Aggtelek, the tour winds through the Aggtelek karst at sunset, as the wildlife awakens at dusk.

Family Day – Visit the Free-Roaming Hucul Horse Herd in its Pasture event

Hike to the Gergés Pasture to visit the national park’s herd of hucul horses.

Nature’s Pharmacy Walking Tour event

Recognising and learning about wild medicinal plants during a short walk around Red Lake. Folk lore, healing properties and curiosities mixed with useful information on how to utilise these wild plants to manage everyday household issues.

Hot Summer Night Sunset Tours event

Beginning at the vantage point standing above the roof of the Baradla Cave in Aggtelek, the tour winds through the Aggtelek karst at sunset, as the wildlife awakens at dusk.

VIII. Annual Jósvafő International Hucul Horse Races and V. Annual International Farrier Competition event

The annual races feature one of the largest gatherings of the local hucul breed of horse.

The event is unique in that the hucul horses take part not only in traditional show jumping and carriage driving competitions, but a farrier contest will also be held and scored by a renowned team of judges.

Family Day, Aggtelek National Park event

Fürkész (Ichneumon Wasp Wasp) Nature Trail - tour and craft activities

Szlovák-karszt-Aggteleki-karszt kerékpáros körtúra event

A Szlovák-karszt Kerékpárklub (Gömörhorka) és az Aggteleki Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság közös szervezése.

Családi Nap – Az Aggteleki Nemzeti Park természeti értékei event

Vetített-képes előadás, kézműves foglalkozás.

Zöld határ túra event

Utunk a Baradla-Domica barlangrendszer természetes bejáratait köti össze. Hegyek, völgyek és mélybe tűnő karsztpatakok kísérik utunkat.

A természet templomában event